GWENT: Ask a Dev

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What about daily rewards and quests? Maybe I'm just playing Gwent too much time, but I think gathering card collection in the game is too fast :D On my main account I can afford to craft anything, and now it's boring, I even started playing from the very beginning on a new account.
Hello Burza.

Some i know some people who are in top 100 pro ladder and in Ranked are checking their emails every day hoping to get an invite to a NDA PTR. My questions is there will be announcement about when it starts or when those people should stop doing every day email checks?
So I'd like to buy some Kegs because of the event, thing is I don't know if I will like HC. Can we have a video before the end of the event so I can make my mind about buying the Kegs or not? =P
Hello mr Burza I'm very much looking forward homecoming and thronebreaker but have a few questions on what it may be about.
1. Do you think homecoming will be great?
2. Will old mechanics such as trio or orders make a comeback?
3. Have you seen the VFX on some of the newer cards just curios?
4. Also how is the gameplay compared to right now cause atm it's kinda just slap a card and put points on the board :LOL:
Anyway thanks for responding to all these questions and miss the streams btw.:)
Hey, Burza,

Not sure if answered but, are you happy with the Reveal Archetype? Do you intend to keep it? Cause i am on the fence with it - information get from revealed cards can absolutely turn the game on its head. I don't think it is really healthy. Maybe save reveal opponent's cards for only Gold or something like that - I get the benefactor of revealing your own cards (Spotters, Daerlans etc.), but revealing opponent' cards in hand is really so irritating.
Are there any plans for ways to sort decks other than last editted, and if not can it quickly be implemented? Scrolling through up to 40 to get to ones you use the most can be tiresome.
Will you have any plans for joining gamers in clans/guilds - to creat something like clan wars in some global map?
Hi Burza,

Will you please add a "craft all missing cards" button to the card collection with the HC update?
This would be invaluable to players who will have enough scraps to craft the whole collection after all their cards are milled at start of HC.
It will save a huge amount of time compared with crafting cards one by one at the start.
Greeting Burza~
For now,there are no cards belonging to the Eternal Fire,Order of the Blaming Roses and Salamandra,though this faction has a very important position in the game,does this mean anything?;)
1 Now Nilfgaard has reveal archetype,The Guardian and Assire.After HC, will the empire have more dirty cards like this ? (I really love the dirty ways to win)
2 Will there be a fixed update cycle after HC ? For more DLCs and single campaigns ?
3 Is there some Easter eggs on the board?
4 Will Axeman Archetype still exists?
5 It's more like advice, is there any possibility of giving us a free ticket when we have a special arena mode?
6 Any premium weekend before HC ??
7 Will there be a wild hunt DLC in the future?
8 It was mentioned that units placed in different rows will have different effects. What are the different effects exactly? Armor? strengthen? duel?
9 Any original characters in HC?
10 Why there is a unit limit for each row?
will Cahir and Harald the cripple get their old beloved voicelines back ? ,esp. Harald since that voiceline was cut because it was +18 but the new one sounds so rushed
Hi Burza. I would like to ask about the future policy of leaders' abilities.
Now in Gwent there are leaders with narrowly focused abilities supporting only one archetype (Arachas Queen - consume, Voorhis - reveal, Harald the Cripple - axeman), leaders who have a connection with some archetypes, but not so obvious (Eithne - spels, Bruver - dwarfs) and leaders who do not have an archetype at all (Jan Calveit, Crach) . At the same time, variable leaders have more variety in the composition of the decks ( Jan Calveit - Alchemy, soldiers or tempo reveal; Crach - greatswords, veterans). What will the leaders look like in Homecoming? Will they be more variable like Calveit or will you make them more narrowly directed? Or will you continue to combine both of these options as in the game now?
Hi! Today i play a match with someone then i go to recent tab click on his profile there's only 1 op to view his profile, the op to send friend invite is missing.

Question is how can i set my acc to be like that?
Hi Burza,

so i was thinking, since there is less space for cards (from 27 to 18), will there be some kind of "tribute-mechanic". Something like "this card can only be played if you sacrifice a card with 10 power or more"?

No, but in overall gameplay, one row less is not a problem, you hardly ever get to the row cap, the game plays in a different manner.
Hi Burza. I want ask you one question about cards that draw cards for you and your opponent ( Avallac'h, Shilard, Albrich for example).
In gwent after homecoming each players will have only 10 cards in hand. If one players have more than 10 cards they will be discard. If one will play for Nilfgaard faction for example and will be have first turn he play Albrich and draws card himself and opponent. It turns out he will keep the card in his hand since he had only nine of them but the opponent will discard the card he has received. We get a legal spy with 10 points. Will it work that way or will the mechanics of receiving cards by both players be changed?

This won't be a problem, plus there are less units that just simply draw you cards.
So, bit of a personal question for a gwent dev here related to Gwent.

Two friends of mine, both relatively knowledge about card games, either have factors that they don't like about Gwent that possibly won't change due to how gwent works, or think Gwent is pretty much going to die off respectively. I also note myself that with big, transformative works like the Homecoming update, sometimes it works out, like FF14 for example, and sometimes not so much.

I guess what I am asking is: What would you say to those who either think that the issues they have with gwent can't change or think it will die to convince them to give it another chance? And how confident do you and the team feel that Homecoming will bring gwent to be a heavy hitter in the card game industry?

I think that words won't convince them, i would wait for the firs reveal, so they can actually see the game for themselves and then ideally try it in the open PTR :)
Hey Burza, what was the addition of the forced discard mechanic I’d you have more than 10 cards for? Was it to counter card advantage strategies, or because you didn’t like passing in the first round?

It prevents dry passing in round 1.
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