GWENT coming to smartphones

When is the Mac OS release? Played countless hours on Win10 back during the beta, before I switch the systems. Been waiting for ages, i think it is the only card game that is not ported to Mac OS. (running parallels and installing win10 is not not an option)
I just want to say: "Finally!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"

On PC I playing in other different games, but on the phone, I will be glad to spend my time with Gwent :)

I hope the release will be until the autumn
An interesting jump for CD Projekt that had to be done sooner or later. I'm excited!!
Just a gimmick. It will be pretty unplayable on phones. Like trying to play Starcraft 2 on a phone screen.

Good luck with that anyways.

You've killed the game for this. Which casual player would actually want to play a 15 minutes game on his phone while waiting for something (a bus or whatever) in real life?

Best of luck.

PS I will pay actual money to have the Beta Gwent at home and play against the dumb AI. Still better than Homecoming and more fun than Thronebreaker, which I can't force replaying after the first time to get the cards for the Multiplayer version.

Guest 4353412

Awesome News!!! I hope I'll be able to port my Xbox account to my GoG. Please don't forget about Console players. It sucks that I have two different accounts for the Xbox and PC :sad:
This is great news congrats! What I want is console/GOG porting + the ability to share an account and play friends. For example: I'm playing on my PC, while my friend is on Xbox1. I think it would be so fun to have friends over and play some Gwent using my acc. If they end up having a good time, they'd probably create their own account.
I guess the good pre order sales finally give CDPR the courage to spend more money to get mobile version
Test, cuz i already wrote 2 articles and they didnt show up.

Ok, now it seems to work.

If I can play Gwent while at school I'll be able to introduce it to my friends much easier. The more players the better honestly. Great news. I hope the gameplay is relatively the same though.

Cant you invite your friends to your house already and introduce them to GWENT right now? Why wait till it comes on smartphones?

You've killed the game for this. Which casual player would actually want to play a 15 minutes game on his phone while waiting for something (a bus or whatever) in real life?

Best of luck.

Ever heard of Hearthstone? Over 10 millions of downloads on Android alone.
Gwent is a perfect game to play on the go, or in general away from the PC/console.
I'd much rather spend my time with the PC or console with more advanced games requiring longer sessions than on something pretty simple that takes ~15 minutes per game.
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