Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times? I'm not even sure if there's an answer that's supposed to fit here. But hey, this is CDPR, they've bought enough of my goodwill with and The Witcher trilogy (and GWENT, except the last 6 months) for me to give them the benefit of the doubt.
The open letter makes it sound like the issues raised by the player-base at large (which is an important distinction as too many games die by catering to a vocal minority) are being looked into and hopefully being addressed in the correct way. Except for the row situation that is...bringing back preferred rows is a big step FORWARD. Removing the siege row would be a big step BACKWARD (like, seriously, don't do that). Bringing back a "darker tone" that is more in keeping with The Witcher lore is a good thing as well.
The time frame doesn't bother me. I think enough people are invested in GWENT to secure a long term future for it even with a 6 month wait. Soon as patches drop many lapsed players, myself included, will always flock back. Will they stay though? Maybe, as long as things change for the better.
And by change, we mean bring the game back in line with the original vision. Tactical plays. Rows and effects that matter. Readable decks (i.e. no cheap "Create" crap that has the potential to provide "catch all" answers in every situation). Risk / reward plays that play out over multiple turns. A board state that doesn't have to end in 80+ points to win the first round. The ability to "play around" certain cards instead of just having them nuked or scorched. No more endless "tutoring" cards introduced into the game.
So overall, in response to the open letter my faith is shaky, but it's there. Here's hoping it all works out and we can enjoy the game again soon!
P.S. That being said I won't be playing a lot of GWENT, if any, until at least May as I only play Ranked and I absolutely abhor "create" in any form. Getting top decked I can deal with, because at least I know the possible cards the guy can play, but getting multiple high-rolled in one game....nah...if I wanted to play a complete game of chance I'd call by the casino and play Roulette. I cannot stress this point enough. Getting beaten by a guy is nothing when you know 100% what cards he has and have just failed to play around it or been manipulated into giving over an advantage. Getting beaten by a high-roll is complete bollocks.
P.P.S. This point from the open letter FOCUSING ON PLAYER SKILL AND AGENCY is by far the most important point.
P.P.P.S. Don't remove the siege row. Yeah, had to say this twice just to be sure.