Gwent infinite turn Pass since 1.04

Gwent infinite turn Pass since 1.04

Since patch 1.04 I've had this bug with gwent. Whenever I pass a turn, the game keeps passing all turns till either the enemy has more points than me, or he wastes all cards. It has made gwent unplayable, forcing me to use the console mod to auto win all gwent matches. Now that the mod broke due to 1.05, it's impossible for me to do any gwent matches...
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That is not a bug that is how it works once you pass, you pass until that round is over.
not how the AI behaves. If the AI passes I only get one turn, If I pass, the ai places everything it has one after the other with no pause.

pretty sure it's not intended.
Checked again, and you are right that the pass skips the entire round. However I thought it was a bug because of another bug in the AI.

Sometime when you pass, the AI just keeps placing all their cards on the field till they either pass your score or run out of cards. The second scenario makes no sense since it causes an automatic loss of all following rounds, while the AI should have simply realized it could not win and passed.
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