I'm getting the same error three time in a row, lauching the game, or into a match.

Error log looks like this :

I have been having the same types of crashes that it loads the game, finds opponent and changes music... then bam crash!
Disabled the anti virus didn't help

When I had a look at the error code of Access violation, I tried to run the game as admin (exec in Program Files (x86)\GalaxyClient\Games\Gwent (KTS))
and so far I have managed to get inside matches twice.

I hope its helpful!!
Same here. Just arrived. Try 3 match for now. First try crash in the loading screen right after finding an opponent. 2nd match : crash when the opponent put a gold card on the board. 3rd time: crash on the screen where you choose what card you want to keep in your hand. And by crash I mean that the game freeze to death. No error message. Played two round for now. It's something! \o/

Config windows 7, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz and 16 Go RAM. I can run TW3 nearly in maximum definitions, but not Gwent ^^'

Edit: 10 games and 6 crash on loading screen, 2 when choosing cards, one right after that, didn't even see who was suppose to start playing, and one after a gold card put on the board. I'm stoping here. And i'm going to play gwent in TW3. Or do some poker dice. POKER DICE UNITE o/
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