Gwent - Opponent's Deck

I was playing gwent in Beauclair collecting cards, I noticed that the opponent has 2 Dandelion cards:
Gwent how.jpg

I've also noticed some opponents playing 2 Villentretenmerth cards as well.
Glitch or by design?
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I've seen that too at the tournament in Blood and Wine DLC. I also saw some things like that. For example, I saw a guy had 4 Blue Stripes Commando card. Instantly passed that round.

I don't think that's a glitch. It's just the way it is.
Is it difficult to learn this game, it looks very interesting from what I have seen so far. It may be too complicated for my brain though. ;)
Yes that too I guess, not sure as I haven't even got the game yet as it's on the way ... getting excited. :D
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