Here's a thought:
Add another format to the game.
Every card game ever made has multiple formats made due to the [...] player base that comes with gaming territory.
- A non-rotational ladder format (current game format is this)
- A rotational ladder format (a ban/restricted list, heavy nerfs and buffs)
- An "OG" non-rotational ladder format (current game format but without card rework updates OR with a buffed deck provision size and an increase to the allowable card quantities)
- Draft Ladder format which follows the Rotational Ladder format but is played in a Swiss format - however, after you pick 1 of the 3 cards, the remaining 2 cards go to the player to your left (which makes a circle of people) - the person to your right would be passing you the remaining 2 cards from their pack - and so-on and so-forth
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Thank you for this informative writing. Receiving community feedback is useful but it can also be bias because the participants might not represent the whole player base. Especially because raised voices tend to be often criticism. I hope you developed useful statistical methods to analyze card use and gameplay data. Thank you for all the work you've done!
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