harald the upgraded tremors

harald the upgraded tremors

its wonderful that tremors are finally balanced at least compared to yennefer but could we not overbuff the skellige when they are already plentifully annoying?

harald used to have his own niche role as a leader that aimed on clearing damaged enemy units which worked pretty well for skellige with their ability to damage a lot of units or you could simply use tremors and follow up with harald for ultimate board clear

but what he is now is simply disgusting, we're only few days away from the moment when every skellige abuser realizes how broken he is and starts spamming him until the inevitable nerf hits and you cant even rely on your gold units anymore

as long as harald is not played you are in peril to lose -2 strength on each card and there is no way to avoid it, given how strong skellige already are thats just a huge overkill imo
The problem is, King Bran is still not really working as a discard leader. So with the wounding happening with the war longship, harald becomes the default leader to use. Rather than noticing and abusing, it's more than the only other choice is crach an craite, which doesn't synergize with the rest of the deck at all since discard usually don't run with tsuirseach axemen.
Zefyris;n7176300 said:
The problem is, King Bran is still not really working as a discard leader. So with the wounding happening with the war longship, harald becomes the default leader to use. Rather than noticing and abusing, it's more than the only other choice is crach an craite, which doesn't synergize with the rest of the deck at all since discard usually don't run with tsuirseach axemen.
I think that Bran is a decent choice in, let's say, the "Lugos with you know who" discard deck ;)
HenryGrosmont;n7176370 said:
I think that Bran is a decent choice in, let's say, the "Lugos with you know who" discard deck ;)

I don't have Lugos (and I don't like that type of card either so that doesn't help) so unfortunately can't test, but I'm not even sure it's worth it even like that. Maybe with more legendary than I have in a very high MMR type of play, but until then, that's not going to work imo. What ican pick doesn't compensate the loss of CA.
Zefyris;n7176380 said:
I don't have Lugos (and I don't like that type of card either so that doesn't help) so unfortunately can't test, but I'm not even sure it's worth it even like that. Maybe with more legendary than I have in a very high MMR type of play, but until then, that's not going to work imo. What ican pick doesn't compensate the loss of CA.

If I get it right, you too play less gold/legendary the higher the level. I see that a bit above lvl 60. I mean, less reliance on big cards. With decent players ofc...
Bran is hands down the worst of the three leaders (still)... and no you wont see him on high lvls, quite the opposite. Card advantage is so important and discard skellige can easily cycle through all the deck, making his ability quite useless.

Harald has to be changed to -3 for wounded and -1 for non wounded, that way he will be actually meant to be played on the wounding archetype, because as of now theres little to no argument to not use him even on discard.
I'd rather have him deal 4 damage to wounded units and none to others. Because -3 still seems underwhelming to got through the effort to include cheap damage cards in your deck. It needs to be worth it sacrificing draw mechanics and/or raw power.

This way the deck would have to be themed around him ( and be intimidating in that case) but he will not be just a better version of tremors. Also since his use is one time only and your deck probably has to rely on him, he should deal a round deciding blow to the other player.

But I'm actually fine with what he is now. Universally good, which can also be said for radovid, eithne and other leaders.
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Harold's Ability should be tweaked so he also does the 2 damage to his own units. This works well with the idea that there are cards in the Skellige Faction that depend on units being weaken, destroyed or discarded to gain some impressive buffs. Also lets not forget it then further tailors the Skellige towards War Cry plays.

As for Bran he definitely is the worst of the leader cards. I think he should be changed to discard two cards and draw three, because otherwise what point is he? He's losing you strength from your hand and also card advantage, seems like a double screw yourself over play,
Necro_Man_Ser;n7177740 said:
I'd rather have him deal 4 damage to wounded units and none to others.

Thats how he was before the patch...

I think he has to have a damage to non weakened too, otherwise he can be potentially useless. Also, his ability to affect wounded units can be pretty well handed by the opponent, so the player can frequently be tempted to use him on sub-optimal situations if he does have the insecurity of potentially dealing no damage with him. I think -3 or -4 and -1 its a sweet spot for him.
Atp13;n7180200 said:
So he should be the same as Stammelford's right now?

No I'd still have him doing 3 damage to opponent's weakend units and 2 damage to all other opponent units, but I would also have him do 2 damage to his own units.

Failing that they should do with Harold like they have done with other huge game changing cards and give him a turn timer. Meaning the opponent is forced to play him earlier in the round to get his ability effect and thus give the opposite player a chance to remove him if he has the cards in his deck to do so.
cwattyeso;n7181840 said:
No I'd still have him doing 3 damage to opponent's weakend units and 2 damage to all other opponent units, but I would also have him do 2 damage to his own units.

I could see something like:

Remove 3 STR from all weakened opposing units and 1 (2?) STR from all other units.

This way he's not killling your own weakened units (or further reducing the effectiveness of War Cry) , but he is dealing damage to his own un-weakened units (incl Gold) and setting up War Cry (which still won't trigger for Green buffed units at +1, since it would only being them down to White/Base not Red/Wounded) so it also forces the deck to either use War Cry or Buff (despite appearances, not all Buffs in Skellige are to Base STR).

I'm playing with Harald and he's not anywhere near as OP as some people here are making him seem. I've been beaten as much as I've won with him so far. We need to stop with the nerfing trend already otherwise the game will go to hell.
ManuW3;n7182710 said:
I'm playing with Harald and he's not anywhere near as OP as some people here are making him seem. I've been beaten as much as I've won with him so far. We need to stop with the nerfing trend already otherwise the game will go to hell.

I agree, he needs some minor tweaking at most so he wont be the blind pick for any skellige deck.
Laveley;n7182880 said:
I agree, he needs some minor tweaking at most so he wont be the blind pick for any skellige deck.

The thing is , the ain crait leader ability coupled with war cry is already a 20 point play and it's very good, but playing against monster weather constantly means it's often more profitable to have harald, but otherwise Harald wouldn't have to be the automatic pick. In any case they should fix King bran to make him more attractive. I'm totally with you in making emphasis that the nerfing trend should stop ASAP or else they'll break the game irreparably.
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