What would you want to see first?
And by hardcore mode I mean something like Hardcore mode from Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 -
- hunger meter
- sleep neccessity (can't sleep on the ground anymore)
- illnesses
- rebalanced economy
- higher damage output for the player and enemies
- static stats for all weapons and armor (at most maybe they would have randomized special effects)
- weapon condiiton meter
- Trauma Team insurance - so the way I see it, the game would end if you died without insurance, and insurance itself would work pretty much as an "extra life". So if you got badly injured, you would see your character fall to the ground and see a short cutscene of Trauma Team medics reviving you, and bam, you are back in action. This would make dying somehow more immersive.
But that's just how I imagine hardcore mode working in this game.
And by hardcore mode I mean something like Hardcore mode from Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 -
- hunger meter
- sleep neccessity (can't sleep on the ground anymore)
- illnesses
- rebalanced economy
- higher damage output for the player and enemies
- static stats for all weapons and armor (at most maybe they would have randomized special effects)
- weapon condiiton meter
- Trauma Team insurance - so the way I see it, the game would end if you died without insurance, and insurance itself would work pretty much as an "extra life". So if you got badly injured, you would see your character fall to the ground and see a short cutscene of Trauma Team medics reviving you, and bam, you are back in action. This would make dying somehow more immersive.
But that's just how I imagine hardcore mode working in this game.