Hardened Netrunner Boots with Composite Inserts - 3 Mod Slots?

So, I read that these could potentially give 3 total mod slots. However, in saving before picking these up the most I have been able to reload for is a single mod slot. Can these actually have 3 total mod slots and if not are there any legendary footwear pieces that do have 3 mod slots?

The whole clothing system was overhauled and in my opinion made worse. You can't even buy mods at tailors anymore.
In some ways I support the inability to buy mods at retailers, just because it gives more strength to Technical Ability, but I can say my Cyber Samurai (Max Body, Reflexes, and Cool) was extremely pissed about it.
I just want crafting specs to be more available for clothing honestly there seem to be very few that ever appear compared to the amount of clothing in the game.
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