Having a glitch where I cannot run game.

When trying to run the game using Red Engine it gives me these script errors.

Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenufunctionsex.ws(7): 'wmkMapMenu' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenufunctionsex.ws(8): 'wmkMapMenu' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenufunctionsex.ws(9): 'wmkMapMenu' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenufunctionsex.ws(12): 'wmkMapMenu' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'
Error [modzoomoutlhud]game\gui\r4hudeventcontroller.ws(231): Could not find function 'NotifyPlayerMountedHorse'
Error [modzoomoutlhud]game\gui\r4hudeventcontroller.ws(258): Could not find function 'NotifyPlayerDismountedHorse'
Error [modzoomoutlhud]game\gui\r4hudeventcontroller.ws(569): Could not find function 'NotifyPlayerMountedHorse'
Error [modzoomoutlhud]game\gui\r4hudeventcontroller.ws(573): Could not find function 'NotifyPlayerDismountedHorse'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenu.ws(81): 'ALL_QUEST_OBJECTIVES_ON_MAP___ANOTHER_MOD_CHANGES_MAPMENU_WS_FILE___USE_SCRIPT_MERGER_TO_DETECT_AND_FIX_THE_CONFLICT' is not a member of '&handle:CR4MapMenu'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenu.ws(147): Cannot call private function 'UpdateCurrentQuestData' in class 'CR4MapMenu' here.
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenuex.ws(53): 'wmkMapMenuData' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenuex.ws(54): 'wmkMapMenuData' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'
Error [modmapquestobjectivesfull]wmkmapmenuex.ws(57): 'wmkMapMenuData' is not a member of '&handle:W3PlayerWitcher'

Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(30): Global native function 'EnableDebugOverlayFilter' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\environment.ws(32): Global native function 'EnableDebugPostProcess' was not exported from C++ code.
Warning [content0]engine\showflags.ws(11): Global native function 'DebugSetEShowFlag' was not exported from C++ code.

I am currently using Nexus Mod Manager, which I'm not sure can help some of these errors and I currently have these mods.

-Unification patch for 1.32 - 1.31 - 1.31GOTY game versions (Manually Installed)
-The Witcher 3 HD Reworked Project 5.1 (Manually Installed)
-Torch Hold to Interact (Manually Installed)
-World Map Fixes - World Map Fixes 0.3
-Ultra Gore 2 - A Dismemberment Mod - Always Dismember - Ultra Gore 2
-TradeMan - TradeMan 1.31
-Nitpicker's Patch - various visual fixes - Nitpicker's Patch 1.12
-Minimap ZoomOut - ZootOutLHUD
-Jump in Shallow Water - Jump in Shallow Water 1.3
-Gear Improvements Last Longer - GILL Gear Improvements Last Longer (GILL)
-Friendly HUD - modFriendlyHUD
-Auto Apply Oils - Auto Apply Oils v1.31.1
-Always Full EXP (1.31) - Always Full Exp (GOTY)
-All Quest Objectives On Map - modMapQuestObjectivesFull-1.30-v10a.zip

I was wondering if I had to just remove, or reinstall the mods in the error messages but I'm not sure if it is instead a problem with the red engine. If there are any ideas please let me know.
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