[HC] Make Gwent more interactive

[HC] Make Gwent more interactive

After the simplification of Gwent, in some way the game becomes a game of struggle, between point slamming vs direct removal/weaken/scorch.

Now the outcome of a match is mostly decided right after you (or your opponent) build the deck. I have put some suggestions here that hopefully give the player more space to pilot their play.
  1. Units that gain/loss value depending on board state:
    1. Boast/Damage this unit by X str, for each opponent unit placed at opposite (or specific) row
    2. Boast/Damage this unit by X str, for each opponent <tag>/spell/item/etc opponent play at opposite (or specific) row
  2. Units that serve one specific function when placed in a specific preferred row
    1. Weaken self by X str, counter the next <tag>/spell/item/etc opponent play
    2. Weaken self by X str, damage <tag> unit opponent later play by Y str
    3. Weaken self by X str, this unit gain immune to opponent when it is inside graveyard; e.g. Great Sword.
  3. Units that changes how points are distributed across Rounds
    1. Weaken self by X str, same unit played in Round Y(only) will be strengthen by Z str
These are conditions that units can gain/loss value, and is shown to opponent player, no surprises. It affects how opponent plays, and at the same time, it allows opponent to work around them if wanted. You make a choice to trigger what you want to get from the unit. It's more a mind game too.

My previous Quest suggestion do similar conditions, but at a strategic level.

Direct removal and lock(seldom used) is the only way to control engines now. It is not necessary done only this way. There can be units like this:
Unit 1: if this unit is not boasted at Z turn, play scorch
Unit 2: Boast ally or opponent unit by X str​
If there are significant portion of units are like unit 1, Unit 2 can be used in some decks to counter it.

I would like to hear what you think, might be there are some great mechanics exited or in the game now that I miss. Want to hear your suggestion to improve on this
I always support more mechanics and active abilities in Gwent. And you bring up some good examples of how it can be done. Currently though, I'm more concerned about how the game as a whole will be with Homecoming. Limitations forced on Gwent with 2-2 design might already prematurely limit Gwent's future potential.
There is a mechanic that interests me atm, "Stacking" cards on cards mechanic. To not go off-topic in this thread, will just link my comment about it here. This would be a great way to make a compromise with the row card limit, and even at the same time introduce a new archetype to the game.
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