[Help] Timer Delay for a Function

[Help] Timer Delay for a Function

Hello everyone. I need help delaying return true for function. Precisely, I need to delay function when Geralt started walking, then after a given time, the function should return true. I tried different methods, nothing worked. Here my last attempt in code:

private function WalkActivationDelay () : bool    {
        var        walkingTime                        : float;
        if (thePlayer.GetIsWalking() && !thePlayer.GetIsRunning())
            walkingTime = theGame.GetEngineTimeAsSeconds();

        if (theGame.GetEngineTimeAsSeconds() + (walkingTime - 1) > 2 )
            return true;
        return false;

It's don't work as intended, the function return true, but there is no delay. Problem is I don't really know how to code, so if somebody could help me with that, it would be great. =)
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