Holt euch eure legendären Karten!


In den nächsten 24 Stunden werden alle drei Karten, die im Teil " Wähle 1 aus 3 " der Fass-Öffnung präsentiert werden, legendär sein! Das bedeutet eine garantierte legendäre Karte in jedem Fass, die ihr bis Freitag, den 14. September, 12:00 Uhr MESZ öffnet.
Why only one day? Give the people a chance to participate...
I am waiting since like 4 months for a premium card keg event and you choose a date when I am not at home.
you have the chance to participate, but you choose to be not at home. your fault not CDs. and yes you are right, real life is more important, but then there is no reason to complain

the next one comes why is the event in the week i am in holiday and so on
Finde ich ziemlich ärgerlich, hab das auch erst gestern Mittag mitbekommen. 24 h warum? Gibt keinen Grund dafür. Sonst gingen solche Ereignisse doch immer über das gesamte Wochenende.

you have the chance to participate, but you choose to be not at home. your fault not CDs. and yes you are right, real life is more important, but then there is no reason to complain

the next one comes why is the event in the week i am in holiday and so on

1. They announced the event less than 12 hours before onset. How should someone plan/ react to that?

2. If you get the chance to manage your time, you can have both real life and fun so your logic why one should be perfectly fine with this is just nonexistent.
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