Homosexual Relations In The Witcher 3

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I found a very interesting article on the topic of homosexuality and gaming I'll post a link here for those that want to read and for those that don't I'll just post the highlights here. I hope this will help shine some more understanding on this issue.

"How Not To Address Homosexuality In Gaming"

"In 2006, Blizzard scolded a player in their popular massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft for advertising her guild as gay and lesbian friendly, claiming she was violating the game's harassment policy. Following up on the issue the player, Sara Andrews of Tennessee was informed that her advertisements might cause other players to become abusive. Players who otherwise would have been content to sit at the auction house shopping for spell components, driven to the brink of homophobic madness by the mere mention of gays and lesbians."

"Case in point, Microsoft's handling of a situation last year involving an Xbox Live gamertag. A gamer going by the handle "theGAYERgamer" was surprised to find his gamertag banned from the service, with Microsoft requesting that he change it before playing games over Xbox Live. According to reports, the company had received complaints that the name contained sexual innuendo and was in violation of Xbox Live policy. More recently, a lesbian gamer was banned from Xbox Live because her profile indicated a sexual preference."

"The internet is a haven for intolerance. One could say the anonymity afforded by the world wide web serves to enhance it, allowing bigots to open their mouths wider without fear of someone placing a well-deserved fist there. We cannot ignore this fact, but we also cannot ignore the large population of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered gamers. Hiding them away is not the answer. Sure, they will be subject to ridicule and strife by those less understanding among us. It's almost unavoidable. The point is, just like anyone who doesn't fit into societal norms, I'm sure they'd rather walk tall and dodge the occasional cruel barb then hide who they truly are."
And here I was thinking this thread was about including more in game rather than an attempt to publicize that there are indeed gay gamers out there and cry for acceptance

Yes we realise, try changing the internet. Trust me, it doesn't work...
It seems like this topic has "derailed" from the original question.

I don't think there should be options for Geralt to be gay! It doesn't fit in the story about him nor the overall game story where you are a specific character as written in the books. Neither do i want this game to be political correct. CDPR could, if they want, include homosexual NPC:s, in the game, if it has a purpose and if it's done right. Otherwise it could feel awkward.

If you want homosexual relationships in a game I think Cyberpunk 2077 is more likely to have it. Because you create your own character and gender and therefore make more sense.

Something i don't understand is why Geralt, as mentioned earlier, has white pants on when he is supposed to be naked. I don't mean that i literally want to see Geralts dick but that it's gonna make more sense if he is naked as the womens.

Sincerely, Mr. Barvo
AserPik said:
And here I was thinking this thread was about including more in game rather than an attempt to publicize that there are indeed gay gamers out there and cry for acceptance

Yes we realise, try changing the internet. Trust me, it doesn't work...

People have asked why is homosexuality specifically important to be added. This is another part of the answer. Others have decided to broaden the scope past the game so I'm providing them, I hope, a sufficient answer. Though I would like to primarily stay true to topic.
Madaras said:
People have asked why is homosexuality specifically important to be added. This is another part of the answer. Others have decided to broaden the scope past the game so I'm providing them, I hope, a sufficient answer. Though I would like to primarily stay true to topic.

But why is it important....? The games remain great without it. And this is more about a social acceptance rather than actual gameplay, the entire article is about the COMMUNITY not the game.

Are you saying that you would enjoy the games more if it had more homosexual interactions?
Can you not enjoy a game to the full degree if it doesnt tailor to a sexuality? Plenty of games don't, plenty of games can't. (Good luck with enjoying games other than very speicifc role playing games in that case)

Sure, widen the scope. The internet is relentless, as is the public eye.

Also, you never answered...

Madaras said:
In spite of the different media medium having different responsibilities (in my opinion.) Though to a degree yes (the TV series Queer As Folk focused on that aspect, it was as though they were trying to balance Hetro love scenes on TV with homo.) Though that point is not really relevant to this thread. As it's only relevant to large/massive games that make a big show of sex scenes.

How is it only relevant to these 'massive' games?
AserPik said:
1) But why is it important....?

2) Are you saying that you would enjoy the games more if it had more homosexual interactions?

3) Can you not enjoy a game to the full degree if it doesnt tailor to a sexuality?

4) How is it only relevant to these 'massive' games?

1) What is community? It's a collection of individuals with something in common. The common bond in this case would be an, I'm not sure if I have the right word for it, but it's a core element that compels the imagination. That stimulates ones emotions and connections. One way the two sexualities should be able to view this is "The Feeling of Family" I shall further explain. In games the main character has a family. I'll use Trinity as an example. The main character's father dies trying to protect him, his mother, and his brother. This has a severe impact on the main character and he feels especially protective of his remaining family. Family or the lack there of is something which adds great emotional depth in many games. Next example romance Final Fantasy VII Cloud's feelings to Aeris causes a powerful bond that makes the story even more powerful, she doesn't impact the entire game, but it does impact the character and who he is. If the Cloud were to fall for a man instead it could have also made a major impact and would be as intrusive with his homosexuality as cloud was with his heterosexuality. It is these experiences which give us a powerful connection to our games. Much like an orphan can related with an orphaned main character and a person who's lost a father, or a person who was abused can relate with an abused main character so the same is for homosexuals. Having scenarios that let you relate with the characters in the game brings stronger feelings to those who relate. While it can also bring powerful feelings to those who don't. Hence why as a gay man I can still enjoy games with heterosexual characters. Which answers Number 2 and 3

To answer number 4 it isn't only relevant to massive games, but it is more relevant. The reason being is that the more people in a game world the more room for diversity and so when it lacks diversity it is very apparent, which leads to more people feeling excluded. Simple plain logic.
GuyN said:
Using multiple accounts to troll is a common form of bad behavior. On many forums, it will get your second account banned and a long suspension on the first. So calling another person out for doing so when you have no evidence is also out of order.

"Calling out" is a strong term. I am just looking at the following: the other thread has been inactive for a long time. The OP of this thread referenced it on his first post, and the OP's arguments seem to me a rehash of the comments of the other thread's OP. That makes me think the OP of this thread may be the same OP of the other. That's all.
Another post deleted. And another reminder. If you are advised by a moderator to cease a particular line of discussion, it is NOT a good idea to repeat the comments.
You know, internet is not only for USA and Western World. Some countries do not approve homosexuality, and yes, Russia does have a campaign on moral and religious grounds. These people may be misguided, or wrong, but they are part of the community, and their wishes should be respected as well. We are not really discussing homosexuality in TW3 here already, but acceptance of gays, and open expressions of gay identity on the web. Is it appropriate on a forum where some members are from countries such things are now illegal? Gay propaganda/ anti-gay propaganda - I would prefer not to see any of this.
vivaxardas said:
You know, internet is not only for USA and Western World. Some countries do not approve homosexuality, and yes, Russia does have a campaign on moral and religious grounds. These people may be misguided, or wrong, but they are part of the community, and their wishes should be respected as well. We are not really discussing homosexuality in TW3 here already, but acceptance of gays, and open expressions of gay identity on the web. Is it appropriate on a forum where some members are from countries such things are now illegal? Gay propaganda/ anti-gay propaganda - I would prefer not to see any of this.
An interesting post.

The funny thing is that I personally have had nothing against homosexuals in the past (one of my step siblings actually happens to be gay) but after the whole LGBT/PC crusade in recent years I've very much become an adversary against the movement.


I mean sh*t like that boils me to no end. And I fail to see how it's in any way related to gay rights and tolerance.
OP: First, I don't like your poll options or descriptions, they aren't clear enough. That said, I didn't want to dodge them, so I have answered them as I think you meant for them to mean, but worded more clearly I might give different answers. One thing for certain, my answers reveal nothing about me personally.

The Scene described in your quote that set this running: I detected ZERO homophobia from the devs in that, just like I can deduce zero sexism or racism or anything else by playing their games. For me that scene shows an extremely angry man, who we already know is vicious & thinks with his blade, take revenge on a power crazed manipulator who we also just discover likes sexually abusing people. Is he gay or bi, or will he simply abuse anybody? I don't know for sure, but theres obviously no tenderness in the relationship - as there is in the previous, obvious, gay bedroom scene, even though that relationship turns out false. Complicated eh. You see, the scene adds depth to this minor character, which is exactly what CDPR seem to try to do to all their characters, a wide variety of depth at that.

CDPR as a company entity definitely can not be accused of purveying any political or social ideology beyond perhaps "freedom in gaming". As individuals they no doubt run the whole gamut of beliefs and attitudes, but collectively in their products any such extremes are nullified, just as in any sufficiently large non-affiliated organisation.

Geralt having a homosexual relationship is simply a non starter, amnesia included. Wait, are you saying that If i lost my memory I could become gay? Loss of memory is the same as having different memories which is the same as being brainwashed, or reprogrammed to use the modern parlance, so push this one and you are saying that homosexuality is entirely to do with nurture (your life experiences), and nothing to do with nature (born that way). Brain damage *can* completely change people, but that does not equal amnesia, or what happened to Geralt.

Other characters have been gay, and can be gay, I have absolutely no problem with that, and CDPR have handled it astutely so far, imo. I'd even welcome your scenario of "two men about to be hung for their relationship", seems to me it would suit the setting fine. Point is there can be no judgement of the players decision by the game, no declared right or wrong, no attempt veiled or otherwise at "education", and you know what... that is exactly what CDPR have always given us with the moral dilemmas they present. The choice is ours, there are outcomes but none of them judge the decision made or the decider. Whether the player subconsciously ponders that decision for their own real life benefit? Not CDPRs problem.

But I'm with most people here in that DA2 & ME3 really sickened me in the way Bioware approached this. So tacky and forced, the irony is that what was called for by the LGBT community, and what we got is exactly that - cant only blame bioware, has done more harm than good to the cause. And its 5-10% maximum mate, same as the population as a whole.

Perhaps the solution is to declare sexual preferences at character creation, then encounters can be tailored in advance. Most of us know we can guess with some accuracy someones preferences without actually talking about (which was another thing that completely deadpaned BWs attempts). But some guy touching for Geralt? They'd need to be blind, dumb, or crazy.
vivaxardas said:
We are not really discussing homosexuality in TW3 here already, but acceptance of gays, and open expressions of gay identity on the web.

This is true, and just to the extent that it tends to polarize the forum, it's not really a desirable topic. We're here to create a community. Not argue it to pieces, or decide who belongs and who doesn't.

The topic is whether and how one might portray LGBT characters, and situations they might find themselves in, realistically and meaningfully in TW3. This includes such questions as whether the presence of such characters would have sufficiently great contributions to make to the scene or story that their inclusion becomes important. To me, this is a more significant question than whether certain gamers would be gratified or offended by their presence.
Madaras said:
1) What is community? It's a collection of individuals with something in common. The common bond in this case would be an, I'm not sure if I have the right word for it, but it's a core element that compels the imagination. That stimulates ones emotions and connections. One way the two sexualities should be able to view this is "The Feeling of Family" I shall further explain. In games the main character has a family. I'll use Trinity as an example. The main character's father dies trying to protect him, his mother, and his brother. This has a severe impact on the main character and he feels especially protective of his remaining family. Family or the lack there of is something which adds great emotional depth in many games. Next example romance Final Fantasy VII Cloud's feelings to Aeris causes a powerful bond that makes the story even more powerful, she doesn't impact the entire game, but it does impact the character and who he is. If the Cloud were to fall for a man instead it could have also made a major impact and would be as intrusive with his homosexuality as cloud was with his heterosexuality. It is these experiences which give us a powerful connection to our games. Much like an orphan can related with an orphaned main character and a person who's lost a father, or a person who was abused can relate with an abused main character so the same is for homosexuals. Having scenarios that let you relate with the characters in the game brings stronger feelings to those who relate. While it can also bring powerful feelings to those who don't. Hence why as a gay man I can still enjoy games with heterosexual characters. Which answers Number 2 and 3

To answer number 4 it isn't only relevant to massive games, but it is more relevant. The reason being is that the more people in a game world the more room for diversity and so when it lacks diversity it is very apparent, which leads to more people feeling excluded. Simple plain logic.

1) by community I recognise it as the people playing the game. The article you posted was about the people playing an already released game using communal features to determine how they play, not how anyone else did. e the guilds, gamertags.

However you are proposing an actual change in a single player game, irrelevant to your above article which discusses acceptance. Dont get the community and the game mixed up, definitely when discussing an MMO, a console and a RPG all at once... not going to work.

4) Before you said It ONLY applies to them. Choose what you mean and stick with it if you are trying to change something with a thread.
Madaras said:
The reason being is that the more people in a game world the more room for diversity and so when it lacks diversity it is very apparent, which leads to more people feeling excluded. Simple plain logic.

So you want diversity. Yet you also want realism.

Ugh. THE WORLD DOES NOT SUIT EVERYONE. This is why there is not only one brand of underwear in the world!

You have to account for the fact that the MMO is a massive multiplayer game, and you cant please everybody.

The console, it is the providers right to take off anything they deem to be offense to someone.
You have to respect that there are religions which despise homosexuals. But if we left the "Gaygamer" tag or whatever it was, they might find it offensive. So either way, you have to accept their beliefs if you wish not to be hypocritical, because otherwise we are sacrificing diversity! Bummer, the world is unfair. A minority you might say? Uhm nope, some sects of Christianity, and I'm pretty sure they might have a greater population on earth than all homosexuals... so there's that argument.

We have had the inclusion of homosexual exclusion in the games before, similar to what you want with the hanging. The castration of Dethmold. And that spawned a massive conversation that needs not to be repeated due to what it ended up in.
So either way you want this included, yet when done in previous games, an area of the community raised against it and said they were offended.

As I said, you cant please everyone with the same underwear.
eskiMoe said:

I mean sh*t like that boils me to no end. And I fail to see how it's in any way related to gay rights and tolerance.

This particular case doesn't really have much to do with gay rights, just simple practicality. When a child goes to school, or needs a passport to go on a trip to a foreign country, they need legal documents. And if these documents have "Mother's name-" "Father's name-", how the hell are they going to fill it? It makes sense to replace it with "parents". What's more, as a child raised by a single mother, it would have made my life a lot easier if we got rid of the need for two names on legal documents in the first place, and just changed it to one.
vivaxardas said:
You know, internet is not only for USA and Western World. Some countries do not approve homosexuality, and yes, Russia does have a campaign on moral and religious grounds. These people may be misguided, or wrong, but they are part of the community, and their wishes should be respected as well. We are not really discussing homosexuality in TW3 here already, but acceptance of gays, and open expressions of gay identity on the web. Is it appropriate on a forum where some members are from countries such things are now illegal? Gay propaganda/ anti-gay propaganda - I would prefer not to see any of this.


You're absolutely right, the interent isn't just for the Western World. Some countries don't approve of women and open expression of female identity. They may be misguided, but they are part of the community, right? Still, I'd rather continue posting here if I may, and I'd prefer not to see Triss covered in a burqa in the next game.
chicra said:
This particular case doesn't really have much to do with gay rights, just simple practicality. When a child goes to school, or needs a passport to go on a trip to a foreign country, they need legal documents. And if these documents have "Mother's name-" "Father's name-", how the hell are they going to fill it? It makes sense to replace it with "parents". What's more, as a child raised by a single mother, it would have made my life a lot easier if we got rid of the need for two names on legal documents in the first place, and just changed it to one.

Thank you for the levelheaded and practical explanation. (A case recently came up in California where an injustice was done because it was not possible to recognize three parents. Family relationships are running ahead of society's ability to accommodate them at this time.)

That said, this is off topic for the thread, and rebuttal or further discussion on the subject is not invited.
chicra said:
This particular case doesn't really have much to do with gay rights, just simple practicality. When a child goes to school, or needs a passport to go on a trip to a foreign country, they need legal documents. And if these documents have "Mother's name-" "Father's name-", how the hell are they going to fill it? It makes sense to replace it with "parents". What's more, as a child raised by a single mother, it would have made my life a lot easier if we got rid of the need for two names on legal documents in the first place, and just changed it to one.
I understand your point but I still don't like it. The same with the proposals of banning titles stating your marital status (Mr-Mrs, Frau-Fraulein) to accommodate transgender community. It's pc taken too far.
eskiMoe said:
I understand your point but I still don't like it. The same with the proposals of banning titles stating your marital status (Mr-Mrs, Frau-Fraulein) to accommodate transgender community. It's pc taken too far.

...rebuttal or further discussion on the subject is not invited.
Sorry Guy N'wah. Was typing my post at the time you posted. Will not go further with the subject.
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