No, I don’t. Do tell, which societies would that have been? And please don’t say the Hellenes now
Of course, they are an example. Specifically Spartans who considered male bonding to be practically sacred. In fact, male homosexual relations were considered to be superior, purer, than the necessary relations with women to reproduce.
Rome is another example. while marrying women was considered a duty to procreate, they had absolutely nothing against homosexual relations. Indeed, Hadrian was one who seemed to vastly prefer sex with men.
In Islamic Caliphates, we have poets openly writing poetry about the attraction of young boys, despite the religion condemning homosexuality. As I also said, the Umayyad caliphate in Spain had a gay Caliph (al Hakkam II, who incidentally is one of the best Caliphs in Muslim Spain).
Homosexuality was rampant in Japan, both within Samurai, common people, and monks. It was not badly perceived. Homosexuality was not seen as abnormal in China and legalist traditions mostly didn't give a damn about sexuality, they are far more practical. In a lot of African societies, homosexuality was not badly perceived. Native American tribes had perception of genders that would lead to allowing relationships that we deem as homosexual.
And I could go on and on.
You attributing *modern* European views as somehow universal is wrong.
I will not make a claim that either view is more predominant than the other, I would have to list all cultures in the world throughout history and investigate them to see (unlike you who would state as fact without providing evidence). What I can say is that across time and space, homosexuality being perceived as normal is not as small a minority, if it even is, as you believe.
But all that is irrelevant, I am not interested in having a debate about the history of the perception of homosexuality, neither of us are qualified for it (though as a history major, I'm more qualified). The point is, homosexuality being perceived negatively is but one possible outcome out of many others and no fantasy setting is obligated to do so unless it wants to.