Horrible FPS in Little China & Japantown/Jig-Jig Street.

I get good 50-60 fps elsewhere but the fps drops to like 20-30 in these two areas regardless of the settings. I tried turning down a few settings to medium but still I get the same fps as I get on high. No mods installed.

RTX 2060S 8GB
i5 8400
16 GB RAM (Dual Channel)
How is downtown(Corpo plaza)? That was the lowest FPS part of the map I encountered. You might want to check your CPU usage if lower graphics settings didn't improve your fps. In that case, try to lower the number of NPCs in the gameplay setting, which can reduce CPU stress.
I get like 50 fps in Corpo Plaza. Yeah I have crowd density at medium, I'll try turning it down to low but then the city would feel much more emptier
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