Hotfix 1.06




Hotfix 1.06 is available on PC, consoles and Stadia! Here is the full list of changes:

  • Dum Dum will no longer go missing from Totentanz entrance during Second Conflict.
  • Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.
  • Removed the 8 MB save file size limit. Note: this won’t fix save files corrupted before the update.
  • Improved driving mechanics for story NPCs while V's a passenger.
  • Fixed rare crashes upon loading near end-game saves, and repaired some of the previously broken saves.
  • Weapons should no longer get stuck when using gadgets (such as grenades) or shooting in quick succession.
  • V should no longer randomly get stuck in a Strong Attack position.
  • V should no longer randomly switch to a sprint while crouching forward.
  • Fixed the inability to reload weapons or use grenades and consumables.
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Nice - i like it a lot. Playing on PS4 Pro and its my personal GOTY! Best game i ever played.

If the technical issues will get fixed it'll be a masterpiece in gaming history!!
Edit says Scooby is wishing you all a very nice x-mas and it's lot honorable that you do work over the holidays.

I really really hope you'll get CP2077 running good on OldGen - also that people don't hop on the shit-storm-train because its absolutely not justified that much.

Kind regards to the hole team - a loving fan. 😍

Pps. its my #selfiepunk entry, (picture is my own!)

Ppps. I really hope ill get the U cupboard after promotion has finished at our local Saturn electronics market so i am able to build a vitrine of that.

Who s' crazy on CP2077? wasn't me........ 😅🙃😁
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Did the 8 MB save file issue effect consoles? Or was it a PC only bug? I see it was fixed just for PC. I'm just curious if the bug still exists for consoles or if it was never a bug there to begin with.

It stil cannot be confirmed or denied about console versions being affected. Especially on the PS4 it's speculation at best.
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