Hotkeys problems

This obviously applies only to PC. There are several keys that are problematic, some can be remapped but others can't. I would suggest that the devs take a look at this.
For example, X for healing- many games use H for fast healing, or some other, I also found that the X is too easily confused with the left ALT in the heat of battle resulting in wasting an inhaler when I wanted to holster or unholster weapon. I remapped the inhaler to H and left X unused. I still frequently tap it by error during play, but at least now it does nothing.
Which brings me to left ALT. Double tapping ALT to holster is very problematic, you have to time it exactly or all you get is a weapon change. I sometimes spend quite a while juggling my weapons until I can finally get them holstered. This can't be remapped but we need some other key for this, L perhaps? Without double tap effect. Just holster or unholster. Alt could still be kept for cycling through weapons, although I find the 1-2-3-4 keys way more practical to get the weapon you want.
Another problem is the wheel mouse button for using the secondary weapon (grenades etc). It isn't practical, shots can be erratic and frequently it completely stops responding (you get a holster/unholster animation instead and need to restart the game to get it working again). For this I would suggest the G key (since it usually is used for grenades or other explosives).
Then there's the "dodge forward" function which can be very unsettling. The problem is that if you tap W twice within a certain time the game interprets it like a "dodge forward" move and makes you jump ahead a little. This feels in game like if V has stumbled. The worst is that if you're sneaking, V stands up and stumbles. Usually just when you were going to take down a guard. I think nobody "dodges forward" (or maybe they do, but I don't find it useful), anyway this effect when you tap W twice too close in time should be nullified.
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