How do I download the new 1.04 hotfix?

Please help, I preordered cyberpunk on GOG but don't know how to download the new 1.04 hotfix. I don't know what I am doing wrong but I just can't find the way to do it please give me some instructions. Thank you
Generally, it should just automatically update.

You can check your version number by clicking the slider icon next to "play".
It says the version next to "view patch notes", and you have the ability to check for updates in that same menu if it's not yet installed. Screenshot attached (this is just the game page within GOG)

Thank you so much never noticed this! Apparently I have it installed but I don't know how?? I never saw it installing in the first place and it had me so confused on why can't I see an installation option. It might have downloaded itself automatically when I was away or something and never realized it. Thanks again for your time!
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