How do you beat multiple damage engines off portal? (how do you beat Hyperthin)

So the way i tried to beat hyperthin so far is by winning 2 rounds in a row. This is as far is can see simply impossible due to portal into 2 3 health - 1 charge per tactic card + hefty helge. I.e. this strat does not work out at all - i think i have 0% wr against that particular deck, i have never seen it brick even once. I have seen at least 2 hyperthin decks (that i can remember) run the "lock opponent leader" ability and they still NEVER brick which is kinda ridiculous.

I have the same issue with novigrad Justice into ping dwarves but the from hand removal for ST is a lot worse which makes it somewhat more tolerable.

Basically this: Portal R1/R2 into 2 order damage units that get more charges on effect.
At this point i cant get on the board with anything (e.g. playing my own removal off bodies) because if i play anything it will get hit by a tactic and just give more charges (or a few dwarfes that give enough charges to kill whatever i play).
There is no single card in the game except for Philippa blind fury that deals with this opener as far as i can see (playing mostly monster Sk and NR if that matters).

Even if i have double single target removal in hand it loses a crazy amount of tempo and - if they also have hefty helge in hand - im just stuck with him setting up an even better removal engine that will eventually automatically lose the round and setting up his ridiculous finisher in R3.

With dwarfes if you spend turns killing them individually you just give him more time to get an absurd number of charges on the ones you cant kill making it again impossible to get on the board. (especially if he played double Novigrad Justice with ME)

The only thing that consistently deals with hefty helge for all factions that i can see is Heatwave and Muzzle. Heatwave being cheaper and more consistently useful imo. And locks of course which imo just arent particularly good against most decks ive played against these days.
But then theres defenders as well (which incidentally also dont get beaten by locks). At which point teching cards (i.e. consistent purify) only to get a marginally better chance to beat this particular deck becomes a bit absurd.

The card quality in general for this particular setup with Invocation+Vilgerfortz+Xanthius+Tibor+Defender+Boost alone is pretty nuts most of which (if not all) are 800 scrap golds - otherwise i would craft this shiet in an instant.
I also tried heatwaving the combo in R3 but yea.. defender happened. And even if i hit it on one target, the amount of points on everything else is just kinda nuts.

Do i just tech Yrden and pray he plays all his shit on 1 row and try to beat him in R3? I dont really see it.
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Mystic Echo Justice Dwarfs you bleed until the leader ability is used, even if you have to go down a card in the final round. Try to save as many strong cards as possible for last.

Hyperthin you actually want a long round three because they usually play no engines except for the ones from Portal, which can be removed.

In both cases, you have to win round one. Favorable decks are those with some form of control as well as point slam. One of the most flexible is the new Wild Card deck, which has strong removal options.
Thank you. Ill try playing a long R3 see how that goes.

I still dont think you can remove the 2 damage machines off portal in reasonable way tho. Spending 2 rounds doing nothing to kill 1 card doesnt really equate to "can be removed" imo.
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