How do you discover new stuff in the world?

Same as you, just walking around.
Although now I am discovering not much, but it still happens sometimes :)
First time I found out about the "Hidden Gems" I was on the highest balcony on a hotel in Pacifica. I decided to scan the area and the roof tops for Breacher connection points when suddenly I saw the glowing jelly like effect in a shape of a human body lying on the top of a large fan unit!

Ran over to the location and after a little light duty Parkour I found that it was indeed a body with some goodies including a diary with a story about what may have led up to his death.

DAAAAMMMMMmmmmm I ALWAYS carefully scan the general area now when I am up in a high location. I have found about 100 of the 200 (more or less) "Hidden Gems" and I find that many of them are on roof tops. However a few have been in VERY low places as well * . :sneaky:

*no no, not talking about under water.
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Forum veteran
I used to run around and searched for Tyger Claws in order to increase the Street Cred so I could install specific Cyberware, but now I mostly focus on addressing side quests in the Journal, because I realized that some iconic items can only be found by completing them, and I also want to prevent feeling overwhelmed by doing several quests at the same time, which I personally call the "Novigrad effect".
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