How do your characters get on with Johnny?

My street kid netrunner warmed up to him pretty quick (if childhood hero was still a choice you make in chargen his was Johnny so that helped), he is pretty compassionate sort and feels for him, plus he hopes Alt can help him shed his meat prison and become a digital being.

Corpo solo hates him, even with the corp burning her she still wants to climb back into that world. For good or bad, Corps are the ones who can make real change happen, they own this world, Johnny can't see the forest for the trees.

Nomad generalist, she is motivated to find a way they can both live freely and generally agrees with his radical stance, though not so much out of compassion and more as an extension of her life anarchist philosophy of living with no restrictions on yourself or others.
In my head I was very careful with how I interacted with him but tried to be reasonable enough where he would think I wasn't a total idiot. He isn't really causing any of the damage to me, I tried to seperate him with the chip but also tried to make him know that he is a guest in my body so no he can't have it. Allowed him to take control a few times to make him happy because after sometime I think it was the least I could have done and possibly make the people who knew him in 2020 feel a bit happier as well.
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