How does the ballista card work?

Machine, Siege Engine
Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 1.

Order: Damage an enemy unit by 2.

When I deploy it, I can damage an enemy unit by 1, that I understand.

Whenever I use King Foltest to give an order on the ballista, it improves the unit by 1, but the ballista won't fire for 2 damage.

How do you get the ballista to fire for 2 damage?

What does order mean?
It should deal 1 damage on deploy, the turn it is played.
On the next turn(s), for one time only (cause it doesnt have charges to replenish further) you can manually click ballista and select and enemy to damage it by 2.
You SHOULD be able to give ballista zeal via Foltest to also use its order ability the turn its played though.
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