How much harder is Death March than Blood and Broken Bones?

How much harder is Death March than Blood and Broken Bones?

Does anyone know how difficult Death March really is? I am wondering which difficulty to start it on. I was originally going to start it on Blood and Broken Bones but people have been saying to start it on one difficulty setting higher than you normally would. Is Death March doable if you have a proficient and meticulous gamer? Or is it an absurd challenge that would ruin a first play through? Does anyone have any insight or suggestions on this?
Perma death has already been a busted myth. It will not be part of Death March. I just don't know which one to start out with. I want a challenge and the game to be hard, but I don't want it to be so hard that I don't have fun with it. Just wondering if Death March is crazy hard or just slightly harder than Blood and Broken Bones.
Does anyone know how difficult Death March really is? I am wondering which difficulty to start it on. I was originally going to start it on Blood and Broken Bones but people have been saying to start it on one difficulty setting higher than you normally would. Is Death March doable if you have a proficient and meticulous gamer? Or is it an absurd challenge that would ruin a first play through? Does anyone have any insight or suggestions on this?

The guy in reedit says that is like a Soul Game, but also harder when u are rounded by 5-7 enemies.
I normally play a couple of hours learning the game on the Blood and broken bones lvl of a game. Then i start again after I am comfortable with the controls on Death March (granted they are named different in other games). If the experience on the hardest difficulty lvl is unfun I just adjust the game back down. I find this gives me a close enough challenge for those two to three hours learning the game that the jump to the hardest lvl isn't a shock and i have learned the skills to survive on the tougher levels of difficulty. There is no shame adjusting the difficulty of a game up or down if the current lvl impedes your fun.
I do like achievement hunting. Does anyone know if you transfer the difficulty down to Blood and Broken Bones from Death March if it will still let you get that achievement? Or do you think it would just block you from getting either at that point? I think I am going to start on Death March and then adjust it down if it gets too hard.
Well going by the previous games and more specifically towards Witcher 2, the difficulty didn't just affect the damage/health of enemy's and the player but their AI as well and how many enemies would attack you at once. A good quick way of testing this is to try the Arena in Witcher 2 and notice the movements and attacks that are made against you. After playing on Dark, the lower difficulties seem far less fun. I'd normally play on the difficulty just below the hardest. This gives me time to learn the game and then makes the second play-through a bit more planned.

I am not so keen on heightened difficulty's with per-ma death or that they only increase the damage and health of enemies.
The reasons are as follows: Per-ma death although thrilling, if you want to get anywhere within the game may not be the best mechanic as if you fail once it is all over and you must start again. I feel this a waste of time.
Increased health and damage only prolong fights, if you know the dance there is no challenge and i hate whacking at a load of meat for an extra (insert here however many minutes) when through skill i am trouncing the enemy.

When a difficulty changes the AI or the amount of enemies whom will attack you at once, this changes the dynamics of fights making it far more interesting and giving you more to think about.

From what i have heard (developer in video) Death March increases health of enemies and damage done to the player. I would also expect an increased amount of enemies who would attack you and perhaps a change in AI. :D
i played about 10h on blood & bones and now its getting too easy i have to say. w2 was more challenging on the same difficulty. looks like im going to start ng.
i played about 10h on blood & bones and now its getting too easy i have to say. w2 was more challenging on the same difficulty. looks like im going to start ng.

This is exactly what I wanted to hear. So I should start on Death March because Blood and Broken Bones will get too easy after a while? I was afraid that Death March would just be too hard, but I'm afraid Blood and Broken Bones will be too easy. Guess I'll just try out Death March and see how I do.
Is Death March doable if you have a proficient and meticulous gamer? Or is it an absurd challenge that would ruin a first play through? Does anyone have any insight or suggestions on this?

I'd start on Death March since it's definitely doable. I watched someone play for a couple of hours on DM difficulty and if you do get into trouble then running away seems to be pretty easy. Monsters often have a very short tether and stop running after you very quickly, the guy just had to roll 2-3 times. He was level 1 and taking on lvl 3-4 drowners. They don't regen either so you can pull, chip away, run off, heal, Quen and repeat. So it's definitely doable, just not everyone's cup of tea in terms of play style.

Running away from town guards was more difficult but then I guess you're not supposed to start fights with them.

Also, you can always turn it down whereas if you start on Blood and Bones then go up you won't get the achievement (if you care about that sort of thing).

Finally, as a few reviewers have mentioned, the game gets easier quickly if you do side quests, loot everything for ingredients and craft a lot.
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