how romance system will now work with gender mixing options?

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recently i was thinking about how the whole romance system cdpr was talking about will work in the cp2077 when the player's character may now technically be a girl (woman genitalia) and look and sound like a guy or vice versa.
in the cp2077's romance system cdpr was talking about, every character has sexual preferences, so what will decide if a character will assume that the player character is a guy or a girl and eventually be attracted to them basing on it? will each of the player's character creation choices have certain amounts of some "masculine/feminine points" which will place the player character on "masculine/feminine meter" that will now decide how attractive player character is for certain sexual preference? would such meter be visible or hidden?
maybe it will be like in Saints Row 2 where player is using a slider to make the character more masculine or feminine?
it creates a lot of questions.
now what if during the romance's bed part when they take off their clothes, character will find out that the player character's sex is different from what they originally thought and now it's opposite to their sexual preference? i can imagine ridiculous scenarios with that XD

how do you think cdpr will now handle the romance system with the gender mixing options? i want to know your thoughts on that.
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It will not be a slider of any kind, nor will there be any 'points' as far as we understand it. It will simply be choosing your body and voice seperately, as well as being able to give facial features of one gender to the other, as well as makeup (and facial hair I believe) being available to both genders. V will also be referred to by their name, without gendered pronouns. I suspect CDPR will have romance options be based on either the body or voice of the character, for NPCs that aren't bisexual, though they haven't explained how it will work. As for the latter suggestion, I doubt they will do that- CDPR most likely wishes to handle the options regarding genders with a certain amount of a respect, and going out of their way to create "comedic" situations that could arise from it may undermine that, so I wouldn't get your hopes up on that :)
They did not remove genders.

As Paragade said, you now pick a male/female body, male/female voice. Your name, V, is used as it is in many games. Romance options will depend on what you choose for your character and what NPCs prefer based on your gender voice/feature choice.

This thread stands a super high chance of breaking rules about Respect and Kindness and Politics, as well as trodding well-trodden ground.

Until and if we get a lot more info from CDPR, I'm going to close it.
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