Hello all, I'd like to add some of my input on the Mr. Blue Eyes/Night Corp theory.
During the Dream On quest, before confronting Peralez, V gets an ominous holo-call. His vision goes black and he is warned to not step out of line. The "Unknown Caller" knows of V, Johnny, and what their goals are. But we never find out how they know so much about V when he's kept it mostly a secret.
Enter Sandra Dorsett, the woman you save from the ice bath in the introduction mission. She works for Night Corp. She's also a netrunner who stole information about Nightcorp's tests with AI on the general public and possibly creating Cyberpsychosis.
During your rescue of Nightcorp's little turncoat, you jack into her neuroport and contract a virus. And it's right here, ladies and gentlemen, when "Nightcorp" officially owns you. (Nightcorp's in quotes for a reason. Read on.)
See, I don't think Sandra was "snatched off the streets" as T-Bug suggests. I think she was retired by Nightcorp after stealing the data from them. She was left for dead and injected with a tracking virus in hopes that her secret allies would come to pick her up (Wakako maybe?) and expose themselves to the virus. It wasn't meant for you, but they struck gold when V was the one that got infected. Sandra also cannot confirm how she ended up this way because, according to T-Bug, "She won't remember any of this...just a small scar on the subconscious."
Vik removed the virus later, (or did he?) but by then it was too late. Your ID was known, and after that, Nightcorp would know each and every time you jack into a terminal. All of those terminals are owned and managed by Ziggurat which basically owes its entire business to Night Corp.
I've heard several theories about Mr. Blue Eyes being anything from Mr. Night, a rogue A.I. or even Morgan Blackhand, but I don't think that question is important. It's clear that the man is only a proxy; completely expendable. We do not know who is connected to him and talking through him.
It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up dead in future DLC to prove it.
What I believe is important is his affiliation: Ziggurat.
Ziggurat came into the public eye in 2030, (7 years after Morgan Blackhand vanished) when it received a grant from Night Corp. to rebuild the city's (and eventually the world's) networks. Ziggurat is important here because rebuilding the world's network allows the A.I. to influence every major corporation across the globe, acting as a real-world extension of the A.I. beyond Blackwall.
I've not completed the game yet. (260 hours in and still exploring.
) But I've had enough spoilers to know that we may end up in space. The venture is funded by Mr. Blue Eyes. Assuming I am right about Ziggurat, it's very possible that this is how they plan to infect previously inaccessible servers for the benefit of the A.I.
V, "The Fool", is just playing his part in the hand he's dealt and unwittingly helping the A.I.
Fun side note:
When we find Sandra Dorsett again after her recovery, she's absolutely paranoid about Nightcorp finding her. She's got turrets protecting her, and doesn't like using the front door. None of that paranoia will help her though. She's going to get flatlined. (Assuming you didn't do it already.) If the Unknown Caller was right, and they know all about V and Johnny, then they also know about Sandra. And you led them right to her.
Hello all, I'd like to add some of my input on the Mr. Blue Eyes/Night Corp theory.
During the Dream On quest, before confronting Peralez, V gets an ominous holo-call. His vision goes black and he is warned to not step out of line. The "Unknown Caller" knows of V, Johnny, and what their goals are. But we never find out how they know so much about V when he's kept it mostly a secret.
Enter Sandra Dorsett, the woman you save from the ice bath in the introduction mission. She works for Night Corp. She's also a netrunner who stole information about Nightcorp's tests with AI on the general public and possibly creating Cyberpsychosis.
During your rescue of Nightcorp's little turncoat, you jack into her neuroport and contract a virus. And it's right here, ladies and gentlemen, when "Nightcorp" officially owns you. (Nightcorp's in quotes for a reason. Read on.)
See, I don't think Sandra was "snatched off the streets" as T-Bug suggests. I think she was retired by Nightcorp after stealing the data from them. She was left for dead and injected with a tracking virus in hopes that her secret allies would come to pick her up (Wakako maybe?) and expose themselves to the virus. It wasn't meant for you, but they struck gold when V was the one that got infected. Sandra also cannot confirm how she ended up this way because, according to T-Bug, "She won't remember any of this...just a small scar on the subconscious."
Vik removed the virus later, (or did he?) but by then it was too late. Your ID was known, and after that, Nightcorp would know each and every time you jack into a terminal. All of those terminals are owned and managed by Ziggurat which basically owes its entire business to Night Corp.
I've heard several theories about Mr. Blue Eyes being anything from Mr. Night, a rogue A.I. or even Morgan Blackhand, but I don't think that question is important. It's clear that the man is only a proxy; completely expendable. We do not know who is connected to him and talking through him.
It wouldn't surprise me if he ends up dead in future DLC to prove it.
What I believe is important is his affiliation: Ziggurat.
Ziggurat came into the public eye in 2030, (7 years after Morgan Blackhand vanished) when it received a grant from Night Corp. to rebuild the city's (and eventually the world's) networks. Ziggurat is important here because rebuilding the world's network allows the A.I. to influence every major corporation across the globe, acting as a real-world extension of the A.I. beyond Blackwall.
I've not completed the game yet. (260 hours in and still exploring.
V, "The Fool", is just playing his part in the hand he's dealt and unwittingly helping the A.I.
Fun side note:
When we find Sandra Dorsett again after her recovery, she's absolutely paranoid about Nightcorp finding her. She's got turrets protecting her, and doesn't like using the front door. None of that paranoia will help her though. She's going to get flatlined. (Assuming you didn't do it already.) If the Unknown Caller was right, and they know all about V and Johnny, then they also know about Sandra. And you led them right to her.
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