How to make the world less Fake, Empty and Boring

This should be your top priority after fixing bugs:

- I want to see Trauma Team come when I shoot random rich npc
- Random Netrunner hacking me
- Some Npc (boss) that I let alive come back later try to kill me
- Hello Maxtax are you in the game ?
- Random gang war and all the people getting killed in the TV
- Npc having actual life (no random spawn in the middle of nowhere with no goal), actually sitting to eat, drink at bar, speaking by themself and more than 1 shit sentence
- Random Missions, contracts, events
- Weather and Night changing the City and people activity
- Police car in the trafic with those cool lights, as well as other emergency services
- Technicians working on the city like fixing light or vending machine
- No more fast travel, unless we take rail or taxi.
- DELETE the mini map it's the worst I've ever seen in a decade (I only use it when I'm totally lost in last resort), replace it with smarter things like the itinerary same as for races integrated on the road with smart arrows or big pop-up when someone get assaulted, etc...
- More Races (every nights somewhere in the city ?)
- Mini games: pachinko, arcade games, sport, etc...
- Let the flying car land somewhere
- More stuff to find, less closed doors everywhere
- Better use of the verticality of the map
- Animation when buying weapon, eating food, drinking cocktail, also not always the same "menu" for all food and drink sellers everyday
- Overall more reason to travel and walk in the city without main story mission, also to go to the apartment and do RP things
What a list of demands!
Hahaha the way you have worded some are hilarious!
These are my favourites:
-Police car in the trafic with those cool lights
-Let the flying car land somewhere
-More JoyToys
-Ability to use BrainDance and watch all those naughty BD tapes
-Bounty on your head when killing to many of gangmembers or police. And a badass highly geared bounty hunter will try to hunt you down. Unless you pay him or kill him
Oh yeah I totally forgot let us read vinyles and BD !
Also what is the point of "bounty" when scanning an enemy ? the police never gave me anything outside specific quest and I killed half of the city
Flying cars do actually land, and there are a few instances ("I fought the Law" mission, breaking some invisible boundaries in Little China) where you can stand on them and take them for a short ride around the city (sometimes that stop mid air or dissapear if you arent looking at them, so save before attempting).
I actually enjoy the game by playing it (115 hours on galaxy), but, Yeah. I would love to see the improvements.


Forum veteran
- No more fast travel, unless we take rail or taxi.
- DELETE the mini map it's the worst I've ever seen in a decade (I only use it when I'm totally lost in last resort), replace it with smarter things like the itinerary same as for races integrated on the road with smart arrows or big pop-up when someone get assaulted, etc...

So the rest of what you've got in there, sure - go nuts on things that give people better immersion who want it - but these two I don't agree with.

Without a fast travel option you're begging people to stop playing your game because they won't want to commit to having to take a damn train ride across the map every-time they want to go somewhere else.

The mini map needs work - but I don't want it removed - I prefer not having on screen guiding lights clogging up my screen. Throwing a glance at the map is much more preferred than overlays.
This should be your top priority after fixing bugs:

- I want to see Trauma Team come when I shoot random rich npc
- Random Netrunner hacking me
- Some Npc (boss) that I let alive come back later try to kill me
- Hello Maxtax are you in the game ?
- Random gang war and all the people getting killed in the TV
- Npc having actual life (no random spawn in the middle of nowhere with no goal), actually sitting to eat, drink at bar, speaking by themself and more than 1 shit sentence
- Random Missions, contracts, events
- Weather and Night changing the City and people activity
- Police car in the trafic with those cool lights, as well as other emergency services
- Technicians working on the city like fixing light or vending machine
- More Races (every nights somewhere in the city ?)
- Mini games: pachinko, arcade games, sport, etc...
- Let the flying car land somewhere
- More stuff to find, less closed doors everywhere
- Better use of the verticality of the map
- Animation when buying weapon, eating food, drinking cocktail, also not always the same "menu" for all food and drink sellers everyday
- Overall more reason to travel and walk in the city without main story mission, also to go to the apartment and do RP things

I second that, all of those but

- No more fast travel, unless we take rail or taxi.
Seriously at the current state of npc driving AI the game would be completly broken without fast travel as cars randomly stop and stay parked on the street forever. If you dont want to use fast trave, i am sure you can ignore those small kiosks with the blue mapmarker, cant you? You dont really need them patched away for everybody to not use themyourself and then get angry about your lack of willpower, hm?
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