How to tweak Imlerith: Sabbath to become a good, fun and fair card.

How to tweak Imlerith: Sabbath to become a good, fun and fair card.

Imlerith: Sabbath 7 power

Every turn, the Highest enemy Duels this unit on turn end. If this unit survives, Heal it by 2 and give it 2 Armor. 8 Armor.

When played from hand this can kill up to a 9 power unit, effectively making it a 16(18) strength gold, which is good. If it kills an 7, 8 or 9 it's left in a state where it's vulnerable to Thunder. If played with Royal Decree it can kill a 10 power unit, and vulnerable to Thunder if it killed an 9 or 10. It's no longer banishable by Mandrake, but Mandrake will still cripple its ability to generate much more value.

If left alone on the board it will die to any unit your opponent plays that is 6 or higher, and you will lose a lot of value (although anything less than 9 will give you a few bonus points). It will kill anything 5 or less. If your opponent plays something 6 or higher you have a few options to keep it alive and keep building value. You can damage the unit down to 5 or less, allowing your Sabbath to kill it; You can also boost your Sabbath if the unit isn't too big, allowing Sabbath to live but most likely losing most of its boost. It will still generate a few extra points of value off the armor though; And lastly you can strengthen it.

If strengthened with Mandrake it will be able to kill 8 strength units, increasing its potential to gain value. But even with multiple strengthens it's still vulnerable to sizable units if left unsupported. Even with a Mandrake and two Mardroeme it can at most kill a 12.

This way the card is now a straight up good card, it's still a fun card and it still has potential to gain tons of value if supported. However it will no longer keep stacking armor making it more and more unkillable and its potential to auto-win rounds with just a bit of extra strength through either boosts or strengthen is heavily diminished.

The main problem isn't so much the order of the duel (although as you've pointed out it does make a difference), it's the opponents ability to respond to it. tweaking it to fire on the opponent turn end would probably be a better solution (along with adjustments to power/armor)
I wish Imlerith was the only downside of MOnsters archetypes. But yeah, welcome any topic that supports the cause. However, Iit was designed for the Arena exclusively, I believe, so I'm pretty sure opposers will look for any reason to see him getting buffed. There was a 35 pages topi just about this card past :D trololol.
Void_Singer;n10799731 said:
The main problem isn't so much the order of the duel (although as you've pointed out it does make a difference), it's the opponents ability to respond to it. tweaking it to fire on the opponent turn end would probably be a better solution (along with adjustments to power/armor)

Switching to your opponents turn wouldn't really solve the issue of him just killing every single card the opponent plays though. All it does it make it harder (almost impossible) to keep Sabbath alive before you can buff it, making the card almost completely unplayable. The main problem with the concept of perpetuated duels is how much value you get every time it's successful, so minimizing how much value the card can get every turn is the only approach you can take to balancing the card without completely redesigning it.
Perhaps Sabbath should just be changed to allow a ceiling to the number of points it can produce. Put a timer of 2 or 3 turns on it, or something similar.
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