How to use Ciaran effectively?

How to use Ciaran effectively?

It seems to me like Ciaran is like a nerfed version of Ciri played face down. Am I missing something?
Can any Scoia players share their experiences on how to use him effectively?
Together with Ciri for a 2 card advantage.

You can also get creative with him, and, after instilling some serious fear of DB Trappers in opponent, use him as a fake Trap in a round that you plan to lose anyway. For the lulz and for interruption. (Not really recommended, because card advantage if you'd play him on your side in that situation).

You can, lacking Ida, play him at a typical Ida moment and hope it scared opponent out of using that special card that you dread.

You can play him while Borkh is getting ready for noms.

You can play him as some safe 4 points while your raging hyper aggressive opponent is itching for targets to thunder.
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If you use him in a row with many units during round 1 or 2 it might cause the opponent to waste more cards than necessary thinking it could be Toruviel. Or in a different situation it may cause the opponent to be hesitant with special cards thinking it might be Ida.

But yeah, if it's too obvious that it is Ciaran this unit will not get you very far...
aadi4287;n7076320 said:
It seems to me like Ciaran is like a nerfed version of Ciri played face down. Am I missing something?

Nerfed version? Imo she is a silver version... which is already good enough for me. I'm almost completing my scoiatael deck and i'm guarding a spot for her for sure, card advantage > all
I use her instead of Toruviel in the moment too, the potential to bluff Ciaran into beeing Toruviel is amazing. Got a three card advantage out of this alone sometimes. The only problem is that you have to know pretty early weather you want to lose or win a round and for me there happens most mistakes.
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