Hugo merchant


I am playing on Xbox One in NG+. I have completed the quest Father Knows Worst, but when I visit Hugo to sell my items he does not keep them in his inventory as he did in my first playthrough.

I want to be able to sell my expensive swords etc but this strategy of selling him your gear and then buying it back to him is not working. I used to be able to sell him all my trophies and then buy them back again in my first playthrough but not now. When I sell to him the item disappears.

Thanks for any help.
Doesn't really look like a bug to me. Besides, selling something and later buying it back doesn't strike me as a good idea, but maybe I'm missing something?

In general it's best to store your stuff in one of the storage chests.
Why would you buy items which you've sold to the merchant? You'd pay many times more for what you sold the item for. Unless this is a glitch or exploit I'm unaware of. But in any case, gold in NG+ is hardly a problem for me, since I had so much gold and nothing to spend it on at the end of my first playthrough, when Geralt "retired" to Corvo Bianco.
If I'm understanding this, you're attempting to deal with fact that he runs out of coin while bartering? (I've used similar strategies in a number of games.)

Unfortunately, I've not had any luck doing so in TW3, unless you can finish the transaction in one go. It seems that whenever the game updates the trader inventories, any items you previously sold are gone. I believe that happens every 3 in-game days. Up until that occurs, your stuff should still be there, I think.
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