I am having fun. Are you?

No, because I'm left handed and this "PC game" does not allow key remapping and UI is broken on UW monitors. It's probably the first PC game this small, console gaming company made.
I dont know if i have already answered to this question, i am also left handed and i have no problem at all in playing this game, i dont really understan what is your problem
Yes, but only because I've been a fan of the cyberpunk genre since the 90s. The game itself is plagued by cut content and boneheaded decisions that completely destroy the main story. When will writers learn that a sense of urgency in an open-world game is UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY idiotic? Don't tell me I'm in a hurry when I'm not, don't tell me there's a deadline when there isn't. I coulda written it better in 10 minutes.

"The chip is killing you, slowly and I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how long it will take because nothing like this is public knowledge so go out there, make contacts, get in with the city's fixers, follow whatever leads you might think of. However, the longer the chip stays in, the more Johnny's personality will come through"

Boom, done, instant 10x better story and you don't even have to change ANYTHING, just the premise.

no one knows how long it will take. Victor is guessing. Also you have to realize Victor doesn't believe in unlikely outcomes(is a pessimist). In one quest some one asks him to help someone on verge of cyberpyschosis and he tells them to euthanize them. No one in the story is speaking absolute truths, they are presenting their perspectives.

So essentially what happens in game is the same as what you said.
Well, let's be honest, this game is not perfect but, I've never met perfection anywhere. So far, I'm having a lot of fun playing with it. Sure, it needs some improvements and, in my opinion, adding the possibility to walk would be cool.
Still doing some diligence with screenshot posting where you can see what shenanigans I'm getting into and what stories I make up for them ;) so yeah, having fun.
Btw... All this before even meeting Dex yet :D <-- which only improves the fun :LOL:
No, I would have requested a refund but it took over 2 hours to get to a point in the game where the problems, not bugs, become apparent. I'm talking about the N64 level AI, the cops who appear out of thin air, the NPCs that just walk back and forth and disappear completely, losing half of your health after sliding down a 4 foot bank that is a gradual slope in the terrain. Fallout 4 was disappointing but still pretty fun with cool enemies and customization. This game has 0 redeeming qualities for me. I can forgive it being a buggy mess. I cannot forgive the lack of fun, awful AI, terrible physics, sub par gun play, lack of customization and the complete absence of side content in the way of minigames and activities. Can't forgive the reviewers who flat out lied about this game being good. It doesn't deserve a 7 out of 10. We deserve a refund.
I dont know if i have already answered to this question, i am also left handed and i have no problem at all in playing this game, i dont really understan what is your problem
Yeah, I'm a lefty - totally fine. I don't know why you'd need to remap keys. If they've spent all this time resisting learning a mouse with their right hand I guess that makes sense, but just gotta bite the bullet and learn it the way everyone else has.

To answer the thread - having a ton of fun, started my third playthrough yesterday. I don't know if I'll burn out even before (if) a newgame+ comes out.
Yes, but only because I've been a fan of the cyberpunk genre since the 90s. The game itself is plagued by cut content and boneheaded decisions that completely destroy the main story. When will writers learn that a sense of urgency in an open-world game is UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY idiotic? Don't tell me I'm in a hurry when I'm not, don't tell me there's a deadline when there isn't. I coulda written it better in 10 minutes.

"The chip is killing you, slowly and I don't know how to fix it. I don't know how long it will take because nothing like this is public knowledge so go out there, make contacts, get in with the city's fixers, follow whatever leads you might think of. However, the longer the chip stays in, the more Johnny's personality will come through"

Boom, done, instant 10x better story and you don't even have to change ANYTHING, just the premise.

... Or given us a world where we could choose not to have the chip, and avoid Johnny altogether and dump the need for an 'ending' at all. Simply make an ever expanding open world immersive cyberpunk environment we can innovate and customise in to our hearts content ( which is what multiplayer would have to be)
Yes. I'm having a great time and I'm enjoying it. I have more than 200 hours and 86% of the achievements.

This is the game I've seen with the most demanding people in the world. If people have that level of demand with all games, none will satisfy them. All games are crap then.

I suppose the fashion is to criticize it

It has flaws, but I think it has a lot of potential and Positive outweighs negative: something very good will come from here.
oh yeah.. on my 4th playthrough, my last build was based on james bond (corpo stealth pistol) currently trying out a build based on Harley Quinn (stealth, blunt weapon and 'nades). An embarrassing amount of hours
Never gave a shit about the hype. Maybe that's why I was really impressed by the game.
Yeah, I'm still having fun with it. Much more than with comparable games in recent years (Outer Worlds, Fallut 4 ...)
Absolutely, loving every minute of it. I admire the works of John Wagner, William Gibson, Ridley Scott etc and now I'm playing an interactive story in their playground. CDPR nailed it to my mind, already looking forward to playing again on PC later in the year when I'll have access to a high spec beast.

Guest 3847602

i find it funny how people spend so much time in a forum discussing a game they claim to hate
Love, hate, two sides of the same coin. It's still nothing compared to BioWare's forums in 2011 and 2012.
And yeah, I had great fun for 170 hours and 2 playthroughs. I'll return to the game in a month or two, already have some ideas for streetkid run.
Over 650 hours put in so far and still grinding away at it, I love this freakin' game. Once I finish this character I'll create another.

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