I hope the dev team actually see this small letter for them

I'm not here to talk about bugs, to be honest let's forget about them for a moment. I'm here to talk about my opinion on the game world and characters.

For starters the dev team did a really good job on the game.

The game world is so beautiful that instead of playing, a lot of times I just spent hours on the photo mode, taking pictures of landscapes or making my V pose for a really good selfie (I know a lot of people will relate to me on this).

But I'm not here to only talk about the game world. I also want to talk about the characters. For me a game is all about the story and the characters and in Cyberpunk all of them (Panam, Judy, River, Kerry, Misty, Takemura, etc) are really likable characters. The most important of them all is the main character, and the devs nailed this one as well.

It's very rare for a game to have such a likable main character like Cyberpunk has. The result of the amazing character desing is that I've spent 88 hours of my life doing all the quests and sidequests available and as the game progressed, as my character evolved, my "connection" with my V also grew.

As I reached the end game I've felt for my character's struggle for survival and in the end I didn't wanted him to die, I just wanted him to survive and be given a second chance. In the Arasaka ending, when V gives his mind to the company, I actually saw the fear on his eyes becayse he didn't knew if he will ever come back and that actually made me cry.

Almost 20 years as a gamer and do you know how many games had this effect on me? Only three, Cyberpunk is the fourth. I'm not afraid to say that I want my V back in a sequel, I really want to see that after all he went through he was given a second chance.

The guys on the dev team didn't make only a game, they made a truly masterpiece, a work of art, and I want them to know this.

So after 88 hours of Cyberpunk all I have to say is thank you for this amazing experience.


Forum regular
I dont know what game you played, but it looks like we both played two different games.

The Dev team is talented, i agree on that one! But this game is far away from being a masterpiece..
The moment you care only about money, you cannot call it art anymore.
Because art is created by Love, Interest and Dedication to the game/genre/franchise whatever you may call it and not by making the most money out of it.

Does money play a role? Of course it does, but if the focus lies only on making money and not delivering a good game, you cannot call it art.
So this game is not a work of art, even though it could have become one but CDPR screwed up.

I played for 136,5 hours and i couldnt care less about the characters, even though i WANT to care about them, because they are well written characters (at least thats what i can say for 3 missions, because thats how long it takes for characters to just perish. So no character developwment whatsoever. Ask me how to start liking a character when i cant even get used to one.)

Well to your point about taking pictures of the world and your V making poses, thats a great feature and all, but thats basically all this game has to offer outside of its small story?
What else can i do once i did all missions. Just some hack and slash until there is no more to hack and slash and then i proceed to go the various location to take pictures. Great..

I do not even have a connection to my V, because this game is about freaking Johnny Silverhand and you know what? I COULDNT GIVE A D.. ABOUT JOHNNY SILVERHAND.

What is even worse is that i do not have any motivation to open this game up again. Theres no replayabilty. Nothing i can do after i beat the game. I cant even roleplay after the game, because like i said, all i can do is take pictures.

The AI looks like they got all a big fart in their head instead of a brain.
Physics of this game make me cringe.
I can buy so many cars but cant buy an apartment or house? Hello empty world and no progression.
Streetcred? oh right.. i should be a legend by now, but no one recognizes me.
What happens when i go to one of the Gangs in the city and i try to interact with them? Yes. Nothing. So why do they exist again?
I picked the corpo path, 15 minutes later i was a streetkid.
I picked the nomad path, 15 minutes later i was a streetkid.
I picked the streetkid path, nothing changes.
I cant even revisit locations after ive beat the missions, for example an apartment.
You can own so many cars, but you cant own something like an apartment with a big garage where all these cars park. Instead they are just spawning when you call them.
Characters like Jackie and Evelyn just killed off for whatever reasons. Literally maincharacters that die after 3 missions, but i guess Johnny Silverhand is the only main character here. The only character they put time into and yet he is garbarge and uninteresting and you know why? Because every 2 minutes, they put him into your screen.. into your face, trying to push him, desperately trying to make you like him. This is the exact reason i hate him.

This is not a movie, but a game and the point of it is that YOUR character should be the one who has a major character development, instead we basically watched Johnny Silverhand redemption arc.

When i was seeing Johnny the first time, we were fighting in the apartment. Literally 2 minutes later, when im trying to retrieve my car and get attacked by delamain, my character is suddenly talking to Johnny as if they were best friends.
At this moment, i knew where this game was going and had fear.

But i guess thats just my opinion.
Almost 20 years as a gamer and do you know how many games had this effect on me? Only three, Cyberpunk is the fourth. I'm not afraid to say that I want my V back in a sequel, I really want to see that after all he went through he was given a second chance.

My first computer was Commodore 64 and I have been playing games on and off, sometimes years between though. But this game, this was something else.

I don't know if this may feel any better while waiting for DLC and stuff, but I posted in High Lights topic about endings too, and I'm not here to tell you what to think but you might wanna check it out, direct link: Favourite moments and High lights. Context: I never really come to play DLC stuff anyway, so.
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I couldn't agree more with all your points. I had the same feelings while playing:
The game is bloated with half-assed systems. Cyberwares are actually pretty meh, monowire especially (mantis blade and legs' cyberwares are at least somewhat fun). Customization is meh when NPCs can even have chrome bodies. Braindances are pretty meh and make the game's replayability sink.

The story is rushed: from important side characters dying/leaving the city a la Poochie/ghosting V/being irrelevant after their side quest is finished to the Jackie's montage to the open endings. And of course, the world doesn't react if you're in a relationship with Judy or she leaves NC. The Moxes sure didn't care about her.

Exactly as you said: it doesn't matter if you get along with JS or not, at a certain point he will tell you he'd give up his life for yours even though I've been taking the blockers as soon as I could.

Remember the Vooodoo Boys? Well, the game doesn't either. Kill them or spare them, it makes no difference except if you want more experience/street creds or not. Factions in general are pretty underused, I'd throw in fixers as well.

Branching narrative doesn't mean preventing me from seeing content (at least, it shouldn't all the time) but this game only knows to do that in order to give an (poor) illusion of choice, if you side with the character that the game doesn't want you to, then say goodbye to several missions instead of offering an alternative path some times. Or remember Evelyn's deal? All for getting a 10% more from Dex.

Apartment(s even though you cannot even sleep in side characters') are just glorified chests/stashes. Apart from what you said, you cannot invite people over. And nothing ever happens, not even a single random event.

And I could keep going all day to be honest. As a linear game is decent once the bugs are ironed out, as an RPG... Oh my.
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Definitely, rarely have I been so impressed by a city's design. The verticality of it is amazing.
I'ts the only open world I never fast travel. The city is just so beautiful to explore and navigate.

The only other game I did that is Spiderman on PS4, but back then was more for how fun the web swing mechanics was, the city was pretty average compared to Night City.
Same here, never used it once so far.

I actually enjoy driving through it. I try doing that in most open world for immersion's sake but most of the time I can't stick to it. With CP, I actually don't even think about fast travel. To me that says a lot about a world's design.
I hope in the current situation that CDPR Leaders can make peace with their developers and get all the experienced employee back and let them make the game which was planned at first.

Is the only way they can get back theirs reputation and show that they still are the best and honest game makers around.

How are they standing there now? People always thought they fucking heroes.

They where the heroes in a business full of shit and lies.

What in the world happened to them?
I dont know what game you played, but it looks like we both played two different games.

The Dev team is talented, i agree on that one! But this game is far away from being a masterpiece..
The moment you care only about money, you cannot call it art anymore.
Because art is created by Love, Interest and Dedication to the game/genre/franchise whatever you may call it and not by making the most money out of it.

Does money play a role? Of course it does, but if the focus lies only on making money and not delivering a good game, you cannot call it art.
So this game is not a work of art, even though it could have become one but CDPR screwed up.

I played for 136,5 hours and i couldnt care less about the characters, even though i WANT to care about them, because they are well written characters (at least thats what i can say for 3 missions, because thats how long it takes for characters to just perish. So no character developwment whatsoever. Ask me how to start liking a character when i cant even get used to one.)

Well to your point about taking pictures of the world and your V making poses, thats a great feature and all, but thats basically all this game has to offer outside of its small story?
What else can i do once i did all missions. Just some hack and slash until there is no more to hack and slash and then i proceed to go the various location to take pictures. Great..

I do not even have a connection to my V, because this game is about freaking Johnny Silverhand and you know what? I COULDNT GIVE A D.. ABOUT JOHNNY SILVERHAND.

What is even worse is that i do not have any motivation to open this game up again. Theres no replayabilty. Nothing i can do after i beat the game. I cant even roleplay after the game, because like i said, all i can do is take pictures.

The AI looks like they got all a big fart in their head instead of a brain.
Physics of this game make me cringe.
I can buy so many cars but cant buy an apartment or house? Hello empty world and no progression.
Streetcred? oh right.. i should be a legend by now, but no one recognizes me.
What happens when i go to one of the Gangs in the city and i try to interact with them? Yes. Nothing. So why do they exist again?
I picked the corpo path, 15 minutes later i was a streetkid.
I picked the nomad path, 15 minutes later i was a streetkid.
I picked the streetkid path, nothing changes.
I cant even revisit locations after ive beat the missions, for example an apartment.
You can own so many cars, but you cant own something like an apartment with a big garage where all these cars park. Instead they are just spawning when you call them.
Characters like Jackie and Evelyn just killed off for whatever reasons. Literally maincharacters that die after 3 missions, but i guess Johnny Silverhand is the only main character here. The only character they put time into and yet he is garbarge and uninteresting and you know why? Because every 2 minutes, they put him into your screen.. into your face, trying to push him, desperately trying to make you like him. This is the exact reason i hate him.

This is not a movie, but a game and the point of it is that YOUR character should be the one who has a major character development, instead we basically watched Johnny Silverhand redemption arc.

When i was seeing Johnny the first time, we were fighting in the apartment. Literally 2 minutes later, when im trying to retrieve my car and get attacked by delamain, my character is suddenly talking to Johnny as if they were best friends.
At this moment, i knew where this game was going and had fear.

But i guess thats just my opinion.
Like I've said in the beginning, the thread states my personal opinion about the game.

I know that the game has a lot of bugs that still need to be fixed, but that's not the point.

I've enjoyed every single moment playing the game and in my opinion Cyberpunk have one of the best main characters I've ever played with. That's all that matters for me.

The only thing I didn't agreed with the game is that no matter what I do, my V cannot just get rid of Jhonny and continue living his life without him. Or he kills himself, or he dies in a few months, or Johnny takes over his body. The ending could have been a lot better than that.

My hope is that in a sequel CDPR will choose one of the endings in which V is still alive and use this to show us that he found out someone who managed to help him. My best bet for a sequel is the "side with Arasaka" ending, where V gives his mind to the corporation. This is a good ending for a sequel, because maybe in a few years V's engram will be able to be inserted in a new body.

Or they will just wipe out V entirely and make a whole new story in the upcoming sequel (if this happens it will be a damn shame in my opinion).

But I know what you mean and I understand some of your opinions.
Definitely, rarely have I been so impressed by a city's design. The verticality of it is amazing.

So much so. There is no other game I've played that has presence like this game does.

You feel small. You feel like you're wandering a city - and the spectacular work to abolish any loading skips or jumps.

How you can be up on a hill in the badlands, pick a tower in the heart of the city, then drive to it without any loading as it gets bigger, and bigger until you're an ant in its shadow.
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