I hope the witcher 4 is more political

I hope the witcher 4 is more political

I expect the next witcher mainline game to release around 2022 and I'm hoping it has the politics of witcher 2. I love Ciri, but I hope they create new characters in a different era and just have us be witchers from another school. I would want them to interact with new sets of kings and new sets of scheming mages/sorcereses. I want to see more roaches and ivoreth's as well, along with (for whatever reason) rival witcher schools that are in conflict with the main characters.

I just want more politics. That is one of my few complaints with the witcher 3; I wanted more politics like in w2. I loved meeting all the kings and town leaders and politicians and ambassadors in all 3 acts. I really didn't like what they did with radovid in witcher 3 and most of the kings were gone by the witcher 3's start.

Yes, we're still witchers and they kill monsters, but do it like the last of us does it, kill zombies kill humans kill zombies kill humans.

Guest 3847602

It's very possible it will be more political, now that Geralt's story is concluded, but I don't think something focused entirely on politics and intrigues (like TW2) is very likely.
TW2 was not focused entirely on politics, there was more to the game than that. However, for many players, that was probably still too much, it would be understandable if future games told stories that are not more difficult to understand than Wild Hunt's, and do not require multiple playthroughs to see the full picture because of the different paths. Anyway, a game that features neither Yennefer nor Ciri would already be an improvement, I think their roles in Wild Hunt's story limited how it could be written.
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I don't care whether the game will have no politics or be fucking House of Cards, I just want a coherent and interesting story. The Witcher 2 story wasn't good because it was political, it was good because it was well written
I enjoy either style, but there certainly is something about a massive political battle going on outside of the main character. It makes the world feel real and lived-in, and like your actions aren't the only thing making anything in the world progress.
I like political intrigue in Witcher books and games, as long as it's well balanced. Witcher 2 went overboard with that, where being a witcher was nothing but something in the background. The Witcher 3 needed more of it, though.
The intrigue would definitely need balancing against the meat of being a Witcher, which would obviously make it much harder to explain.
TW2 was my favorite of the stories in all three games. I can see how the massive amount of political stuff could turn people off though. You really need multiple playthroughs to get the whole picture in the game.
The best would probably be somewhere between TW2 and TW3. With a new protagonist, the main characters may also need some development first before focusing too much on personal drama. Actually, I think the first game was reasonably well balanced in this aspect, even if the presentation is dated by today's standards.
I wouldn't want to be more political but less. I would like it would explore fantasy narrative and locations.
Witchers aren't about politics, but then again, any organization no matter how small has to be in the politics somehow.
Having sides being pitted against each other as a consequence of killing certain monsters sounds intriguing. Killing mobs to get a treasure will still be there probably. But affecting politics by specific mob battles...I hope it's well implemented.
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