I... Love... This Game!

Haven't played it in a while, but I can honestly say that no other game in recent memory has made me want to 100% it 4 times in under a year. I think the last time it has happened was when TW2 came out.
There is something about the story, characters, Night City and gameplay that makes it so addictive.
CP 2077 is in a tie with Deus Ex (the first one) with my most played single player story driven game, I have done three playthroughs in each. There's though that with Deus Ex there were years between and last time I played that was when there was high resolution texture pack released by modders for it. I sometimes though about it later but ended up listening to soundtrack via Youtube.

I played prequels but I'm not that person anymore who was exited about Deus Ex, it's been 22 years or so.

CP 2077 then, it has these things related to things in my adult life. Though I had never been able to make 100+ hours playthroughs if not pandemic, certainly don't regret it. I was really surprised. Only other game I can think is as strong on story department is the Outer Worlds.

I'm sorry, do we know eachother, personally? Games stories are mostly very shallow. No matter Square Enix (Deus Ex is not really good stortywise), or other studios. Compared to books and movies, most of them have laughable stories. B class movie at best, when you're generous.
I've played Metal Gear Solid 1 recently, still masterpiece, and very enjoyable, but story, for me it's almost camp, often was smirking how nonsense it was, that's why I enjoyed it - was not serious about story. Plenty of games is like that and Hideo and his fantasies are not really some bad example, he loves 80's action movies and you can see it, but what he makes story-wise is often closer to "Universal Soldier" than "Blade Runner".
So yeah Cyberpunk storywise is pretty much outstanding compared to other games, maybe one day you will understand it, if not, your loss.
Most games I play are silly stuff, not everyone game even has a plot really and I enjoy them because I don't need to get involved in story that's not interesting anyway. Something though, I recall Wolfenstein games since Wolfenstein 3D and then I played through those new games about a year ago or so and they had quite a bit new take on story in a shooter game. Wow... things sure has changed. But I don't know, I think they were very good shooters after all.

I don't really believe in industry, I got CP 2077 as early 2020 Christmas present from my sister who knows my fondness to genre (the cyberpunk). Something worth to mention is Outer Worlds, which writing was good, very good in adult sense. I have been thinking if there's need to find a new way to evaluate story driven games. I haven't played most of the games I see mentioned in discussions here and never going to, but I have played some. I think Mass Effect trilogy, in first part they had this curious thing with Geth and if you know about 1, 2, 4,8, 16... related to real life singularity theory and some other things going on as well and then AFAIK they gave actual science guys a boot and series went to different things (I mean think sentence regarding Normandy in ME1 and and ME3 "Who is screwing with the ship AI?" and you get something very different with ME1 and ME3. :p

But still, there were some plotlines that covered ethics, though they never used that word and in the package there were different things, I think shooting bottles with Garrus is for many one of the iconic gaming moments, perhaps for younger audience then and now. I think ME3 had serious identity crisis what it wanted to be despite ending debate though. CP 2077 then, it very much potential to reach entire new audiences especially among people who left story driven games as they grew up and games didn't, which sort of doesn't reflect well towards game media as a form of expression.

Thinking about the whole gaming culture, it's about more and more and it's totally unappealing to people who don't have time and whom needs for entertainment and escapism doesn't revolve around that. This happened to me when I tried to play Fallout: New Vegas. It looked from the start that world makes far more sense than in FO3, but then I had weekend to play that, then few hours during a week, then something came up, I struggled trough where I accidentally finished Caesar but there was more to play but I couldn't remember who is who and where and what NPC's here and there had said. There was a log but I didn't find it interesting to just do something because they were on a list when I didn't recall anything about what was going on with NPC's whom have given those tasks. It's utterly uneconomic form of entertainment, compared to shooting space monsters or zombies without a plot, thank God for games you can just forget!

CP 2077 is tightly knit enough and interconnected to make experience work for people in 40-50 hours and it has things to make people think to keep that thing going for that time investment. I didn't believe this kind of game would ever be made.
I really like this game too,

but (heheheh)
as for now with 1.31 Cyberpunk 2077 lacks way to many features other open world city games have.
Let alone RPGs, i do hope 1.5 patch will solve this and bring better interaction (UI) with the game itself
as well as many missing features.

i am 240 hours in btw, so yes i do know it has a good core, but to beat W3, CP77 NEEDs several improvents
that bring the game back to the vision that was shown to us in 2018.
Yes i refereing the the 45 min demo which was a slice through what CP77 could ve been.
they created something very special with this game, some of the characters and quest are just so unique, so special, it has so many flaws but those bugs dont diminish the good things this game does.
And that is the perfect, rational way to look at it. Far too many look for what isn't there, instead of enjoying what is.
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I really like this game too,

but (heheheh)
as for now with 1.31 Cyberpunk 2077 lacks way to many features other open world city games have.
Let alone RPGs, i do hope 1.5 patch will solve this and bring better interaction (UI) with the game itself
as well as many missing features.

i am 240 hours in btw, so yes i do know it has a good core, but to beat W3, CP77 NEEDs several improvents
that bring the game back to the vision that was shown to us in 2018.
Yes i refereing the the 45 min demo which was a slice through what CP77 could ve been.
And this is precisely how people set themselves up for disappointment, no different than prior to release. Creating in your head what something must be, when you have zero influence over the outcome.

CP2077 wasn't going to cure cancer. It's just a video game.
yes i know the chances are SLIM we will EVER see the CP77 version that inerits the vision of 2018
But that is exactly what ppl expect. You see, you have to look at what CP77 is up against.

CP77 is up against the elephant in the room GTA, its up againt Witcher 3, Sleeping Dogs.
Games where featurs like minigames are in, strip clubs, working mirros without "activating" them.
You name it.

My point is CP77 is a good game, which i rly iiked playing, but it lacks to many things compared to silimar
games. Which drags it down from being a great game.
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Guest 3847602

yes i know the chances are SLIM we will EVER see the CP77 version that inerits the vision of 2018
But that is exactly what ppl expect. You see, you have to look at what CP77 is up against.

CP77 is up against the elephant in the room GTA, its up againt Witcher 3, Sleeping Dogs.
Games where featurs like minigames are in, strip clubs, working mirros without "activating" them.
You name it.

My point is CP77 is a good game, which i rly iiked playing, but it lacks to many things compared to silimar
games. Which drags it down from being a great game.
I get being disappointed in the game and wanting more, but what is a real head-scratcher to me is 2018 demo being constantly described as "what this game should have been". Like, where did you guys see the minigames, strip clubs, advanced NPC AI, multiple apartments, rideable train, flyable AVs in this demo?
What was shown in this demo that is missing from release version? TPP cutscenes and wallrunning? They informed us about both of them being removed long before the game came out. Rest of it is 99% the same as in the actual game.
I get being disappointed in the game and wanting more, but what is a real head-scratcher to me is 2018 demo being constantly described as "what this game should have been". Like, where did you guys see the minigames, strip clubs, advanced NPC AI, multiple apartments, rideable train, flyable AVs in this demo?
What was shown in this demo that is missing from release version? TPP cutscenes and wallrunning? They informed us about both of them being removed long before the game came out. Rest of it is 99% the same as in the actual game.

It is not 1 to 1 what you only SEE in the demo, actual working physics, car chases is what you see in the demo
NPC interaction. You need to see that 45 min demo as slice through what CD Projekt RED was aiming for.
At least i and i bet 90% of all ppl measured the final release, with that DEMO. Not talking about looks
or a 1 to 1 transition here. It is the overall picture and what CP77 has to compete against, what makes ppl
"want" those things in. You know a game needs a serious overhaul when your UI is rly unnerving when the player
interacts with the game. M key for open map anybody?? What about a walk key Witcher 3 already had?
Yes more TPP scenes would ve done the game quite good, for example for the ripperdoc operations
or the romance scenes. What about loyality system? Or streedcred actually matter? Ouside the little description
you get in your inventory?

See, CP77 as for 1.31 has a really good core, it is fun to play (stealthy) the city itself looks outstanding and invites for
exploring (even on LOW settings). Some of the storyquest are exellent cyberpunky so to say. Searching for Evelyn
for example, pefectly dark and so suiting for the setting. But all the good stuff gets overshadowed by the missing
features and non working things in the game. I mean how can it be that Sleeping Dogs has a working mirror but CP77
not? Many little things that are dragging this good game down, so to say. We will see though if 1.5 manages to lift
the game up.
I mean how can it be that Sleeping Dogs has a working mirror but CP77
I think it has a fairly easy answer. The player model is hideous in game. So when you activate a mirrior it loads the model from photomode. This is why V is never reflected in anything, he/she is a ghost in the world.
My point exactly Notsoserous80,

it shows quite much room for improvements, to turn CP77 in a GREAT game, instead of just good.
One could claim, ye but reflecting the player characters is just a minor thing, who cares.
Which is true, however those little things are that CP77 holding back to beating the competition
in the field. Thats why i hope CDPR rly overhauls certain aspects of the game.
Yes, I love this game too. There's no other game with such a good story arc and characters as charismatic as Cyberpunk 2077 since the release of The Witcher 3. Red Dead Redemption 2 is good, but I don't see anything special. Another point: most of the "specialized criticism" was not limited to the fact that this title addresses disturbing issues: public power kidnapped by large corporations; pornography addiction and drug addiction; gratuitous violence; a decadent and anarchic society; hedonism and consumerism among other themes that are inherent to our reality. I usually say that Cyberpunk 2077, even being a game and something aimed at entertainment, is a kind of futuristic and caricatured representation of our reality. That's why I always ask the question: CDPR, do you know what you did? Do you know that this is a jewel to be polished? I hope so. It's the best game since The Witcher 3.
Nah. The game is lacking in so many ways.

If it's one of your best games ever: Play more games and read more books.

The story is somewhat good, but nothing spectacular.

The graphics are fantastic, when they work.

With all the bugs, I'm not talking about T-posing, police, AI in general or vanishing bots/NPCs all the things most people get annoyed about, but qests triggers not activating making the game unplayable...

I've only played it for 400 hours, but I believe I've given it a fair chance to prove itself.

It's a good captivating game, but in total its meh...


Glad you do. Love it too. Was actually ready to end my gaming career for good when Cyberpunk released. Right on time one might say, as I've been playing it ever since. Lets see what the future will bring.

Strange, I was in a similar situation. I have a box with s 3d printer in my shop that I was going to switch all my "hobby time" to, I had abandoned my Nexus account and my other games forum accounts.

Fallout 4 being the only thing left that I was playing and only because I could mod it to be the perfect game for me. I was getting scared that at some point Fallout 4 would not run anymore on todays hardware like 90% of all my old box art games.

And MOST new games that are made theses days I have no love for the way I did with games 10 -20 years ago.

I was lucky and had ZERO game breaking bugs using the day one release of the game (CP2077). The few deal breaking features I did not like I was able to mod to my liking.

This one (CP2077) came around just when I needed it most.
248 hours and I'm doing a VR playthrough this time. While the game does have it's flaws it has been one of the best games I've ever played in a very long time. I hope the future for this IP does continue on. Hell, I even bought a second copy for my Series X when the next gen update dropped.
I said it multiple times previously, and I'll say it a billion additional times. I love character creation. Flipping through hair, considering what I'll like best. Taking a gander at hair and eye tones bantering on putting my regular hair and eye tone, or varieties that I like the most. Cyberpunk offered a more extensive assortment of eye decisions than I anticipated. A wide range of understudies. I could make one more four or five passages on this point alone assuming that I needed to.

I love love love love love love love love voiced heroes. This is marvelous.

Garments was tonnnns of tomfoolery. Chosing styles and outfits. This looks great with this. Later on you track down something that is more appealing and that is an astounding inclination. Tracking down cooler stuff and tossing it on. Buddy. I look so fly that I cry cause I fail to remember third individual viewpoint isn't a thing here.

I may very well go here and there around town absent to the vehicle going to hit me, and get the police aggro cause my blood for the blood god hero just shot the person that hit me. Reveeenge child! Continuously worth the effort.

I love perusing legend in and out of town. I love seeing a crime location and searching for signs and stories portraying what simply occurred and why the wrongdoing occurred. As a person that regularly loathes perusing, this implies a lot for me to say I completely appreciate tracking down bits of legend/stories/messages/discussions in game. It causes the world to feel more invigorated. PUBG and Mini Militia Game are top class on this planet right now.

Credit: ThoroughBredlabs
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