Idea for a feature: No manual saves/Auto-save only mode.

I want a button dedicated to the save/load file. It would be much easier then going to the menu. Devs can improve on these other mechenics but can't improve on manual save/load. I think we need an improvement on this matter because we've been using this same format for decades.
I prefer both hard saves and auto-saves.

I've played enough Skyrim and had enough horrible auto-saves initiated where my character is about to get mauled by a monster several levels higher than my character to appreciate the hard saves I made at a safer location.
That's probably, singlehandedly, the most stupid idea on the forums, or aat lesat in the solid Top 10 :)
It would kill the game. Perma death is popular among fringes of gaming community and does not justify te multi hundred million dollar budget. But, if somebody loves a single autosave, they just may not use manual save.
Also, any fuckup during the autosave (which happens A LOT) would ruin anything from 5 minutes to 200+ palythrough, most probably forcing the player to rage qiutm, uninstall, and proceed with 50k characters hate post on every single game forum.
Still, an option to have "Iron V" mode could work. But I could bet that after 50hs of game any gaming hipster would start a new game with manual save enabled :)
He suggests it as a feature in the settings so people are free to use it or not.
Personally I have all the time imagined it would have auto saves and then we could also make our own saves, either as Hard saves or Quick saves. I don't see what should hinder a player in just using the auto saves, though some might end giving in and use the manual saves too. To each their own.
That's probably, singlehandedly, the most stupid idea on the forums, or aat lesat in the solid Top 10 :)
It would kill the game. Perma death is popular among fringes of gaming community and does not justify te multi hundred million dollar budget. But, if somebody loves a single autosave, they just may not use manual save.
Also, any fuckup during the autosave (which happens A LOT) would ruin anything from 5 minutes to 200+ palythrough, most probably forcing the player to rage qiutm, uninstall, and proceed with 50k characters hate post on every single game forum.
Still, an option to have "Iron V" mode could work. But I could bet that after 50hs of game any gaming hipster would start a new game with manual save enabled :)
You seem like a fun guy with many friends.
This might be good in immersive aspect just like KCD but I didn't finish the game because of this and the well known KCD guards 'AI'.. Knockdown a NPC here and town guards can smell crimes even while sleeping. The consequences of your action will be triggered the next day(magically prisoned or bribed) and by that time I would've finished the quest with success. You can go back and load but look at the loot and precious time you've spent on a quest. What if there is a bug on the quest and you can't advance? Doomed.

Better both
I believe the term you are looking for is Ironman mode. Many strategy and tactical games have it as a feature. Typically, Ironman mode disables the ability to save manually, while retaining a modified auto-save where the player cannot change when auto-save happens, leaving it to save at the usual checkpoints.
i think that the best solution for you would be the ironman mode feature that was mentioned.
i'd go with manual/auto saves - mainly because the area i live at has an old power grid and power outages are some what frequent as well as having a hard save to revert to in case something happens to an autosave - for some reason the power almost always seems to go when an autosave is in progress.
Ability to save a game progress and pick on later after you rest, is one of best thing that happened to gaming since gaming birth.

Yet now people cry how save and load is bad, save scumming is bad why load some part of game that ruin game bla bla bla, really for a single player game ? how if i reload some save i ruin game for you or other peoples or in fact for my self ????

Auto save can corupt far more offten then manual saves, also why throw away option to manual save ? if you don't want to save scum don't reload, also imagine you lose 100+h thanks to auto save coruption, do that sound like fun to anyone ?
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