Idea for weapon mods

I don't know how people will take this but I think elemental (thermal, chemical, electrical) damage should be divorced from random weapon rolls and instead be relagated to weapon mods (making weapon mods more interesting). This way it would be like slotting a different ammo type in the weapon and would give players greater control over the type of damage they inflict.
Elemental damage on weapons should just be removed because it doesn't matter. Unless it's like an established Cyberpunk lore thing, but it doesn't make much sense to me.
Making weapon elements be mods sounds like an easy way to fix that issue, I don't like the randomness either.

Though, some may not like that they'll have to sacrifice a mod slot for it.
I really want to see weapon/clothing mods be able to be taken off clothing and reapplied somewhere else. Even if we have to go to a clothing store and pay to get it done, I hate that once you put a mod on an item, its permanent.
It's only to avoid to have a clothe/weapon "mod kit" and simply switch them when changing clothes/weapons. It's the same as runes in TW3 or weapon mods in Outer World :)
The only way to retrieve them is to dismantle the weapon/clothes if you have the crafting perk.
They could add an "ammo" mod slot for the elemental damage, with a default to physical no added damage if there is nothing in the slot.

ScubaSteve308 I agree with you about being able to remove the mods although I think that if the mod is easily removed or added it can be done "in the field", adding or removing an Armadillo mod from clothing for example should be done at a crafting station or as you mentioned pay someone to have it done, same with crafting anything.
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