Idea/Question - Enable Cabaret Questline after Isle of Mists

Idea/Question - Enable Cabaret Questline after Isle of Mists

I am not even sure if a mod would be required to do this. Does anyone know of a way to enable the Cabaret/Carnal Sins questline after you have gone to the Isle of Mists? Through a console command perhaps? If not, would it be possible to create a mod that would achieve this? I used to mod Morrowind, yet know very little about modding The Witcher 3.

I can see why CDPR would want to disable this questline for the duration of the 'Final Preparations' questline (it wouldn't quite do to have dwarf craftsmen running around whilst the sorceresses, Avallac'h, Ciri and Gerald are conspiring in Dandelion's Den). Afterwards, though, it should be perfectly fitting.
Ghaisos with our current modkit tools theres no way to bring back or add quests to the game. And i doubt it can be done through scripts either. We are very limited on what we can do with our current modkit tools. Its mainly for editing textures, and add items to the game but nothing with quests or making new areas or maps etc.
Many thanks for your quick reply! I think I'll post a request in the 'suggestions' forum. Who knows, perhaps we'll see a small update to the game some day. :)
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