I love this game, I have waited a long time for it and I am not disappointed with the immersion it provides. Unfortunately, it is more than clear that it still requires a lot of work to live up to what we were promised and dangled.
Walking around Night-City, even in version 1.06, is a real happiness, the city is so immersive and the history fascinating. That's why I allow myself, at my level, to write down what in my opinion, and others, is currently spoiling the gaming experience and to make this list which will not, at worst, that help the development team. To help them make this adventure what it should have been. This can only make it better.
I am certain that developers need to be fully aware of a lot of what is written here, and that the fan community has no doubt largely thought of a lot of the stuff in this document. See it as a sort of compendium of things to improve, and don't hesitate to add your own discoveries and expectations for this game which, I feel, can still mark its generation despite its difficult start.
I also want to thank everyone who worked on this game, the developers, the creatives, the writers and everyone else for their fantastic work, even at this stage. Honestly, I don't really care where the biggest problems came from and so, again, obviously and unfortunately there is still a lot to do but personally you have my full support and I'm sure from here as long as it takes, we will finally have our epic adventure in Night-City.
PS.: Sorry, there may be grammar or syntax errors but being French speaking and although fluent in English, I preferred to use translation software.
1) Bugs:
A) Missions:
((WARNING: Possible spoilers))
- Jackie's pistol does not disappear and remains in his hand when he puts the Relic back in the car before dying (we stick a pistol in the temple?
- If you save and reload the save next to the Delamain in which Jackie dies, the corpse is thrown from the car.
- When Takemura calls you for the first time to meet in the restaurant, we see in the background the white head which must serve as a "canvas".
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, when you register at the reception of the "Clouds", you don't see V's connection cable when he / she plugs into the console. If we disconnect without paying and when we reconnect to pay, among other things.
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, when you put your weapons in the security locker, they are always displayed on the main HUD as well as on the character preview in the equipment window.
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, when you explore Evelyn's cabin eleven before going to see the doll you have chosen, part of the end of the conversation is not coherent because V asks her for info on this cabin and what happened there when we already know.
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, even having seen the exact reconstruction of the scene where Evelyn is hacked into her cabin thanks to the police hologram projector, we continue afterwards to talk about an assault by a client with the different NPCs in the following threads while we know the truth. This is illogical and we should perhaps review the choices of possible dialogues.
- When Delamain sends you the message to tell you about his research on his AI cores for defective cars, when you choose the answer related to a virus, the answer is displayed before the question.
- There are dialogues bugs that overlap when looking at and analyzing Evelyn's DS in "Disasterpiece".
- In "Contract: The risks of the trade", there is a computer upstairs in the room where the injured Mox is located on which there are duplicate messages and files without names. (Actually it happens in a LOT of missions and situations).
- In "Gimme Danger", inside the building of Arasaka containing the parade floats, there are guards who are IN objects of the decoration like crates, etc ...
- In the contract "Cyberpsycho spotted: Charcu at a discount", the psycho's life bar remains displayed at the top of the screen even after the end of the mission. For my part, I had him alive, I don't know if it does when you kill him.
- In "Life during wartime", when we shoot down the flying security drone that guards the crash of the navi, its reactors remain on, it feels weird and not too immersive.
- In "Life during wartime", if we take the body of the pilot of the navi after having killed him and we put it back, it bugs, even if you do it several times. In addition, his weapon falls through the floor of the navi, even after several tries.
- In "Life during wartime", after having taken the motorcycles, Panam literally crosses the hills and the reliefs of the ground when one rolls in the desert, instead of following the ground.
- In "Life during wartime", after picking up Helman, when we call Takemura, his face does not appear in the telephone frame.
- In "Contract: Monster Hunt", there is a television which is very badly placed in the room on the 3rd floor.
B) Visual:
- Fix the visual glitches of the holographic sights, we see the sides of the transparent paralepiped serving as a "canvas" in 3D. Ex .: The A-Vantage.
- NPCs' mouths do not move when they speak.
- Difficulty / Impossibility of taking objects if they are next to an NPC because it is the option to speak to him that is systematically put forward.
- Objects held in hand by NPCs split and float in the air.
- The text sometimes goes out of the frame when you are on the home page of the internet on a computer.
- When exiting menus to return to the game, often incorrectly displays that we have won craft components for no reason.
- When throwing another body into a container, the first are not visible, the container is empty when it should contain the first bodies.
- Since v.1.6, it happens regularly that when you take an object, its description window appears after one or two times without reason when you look at a corpse.
- It happens to come across playing guitarists ... without guitar.
- Bug with the merchant icon on the mini-map when entering their store.
- There is a horizontal blue bar which is part of the sight by default which moves around the center of the screen when aiming with the "M-179E Achilles" while having added a sight, whatever the type of this one. (Lately I've had the same with gorilla fists / arms).
- It happens that when we take a body and throw it, if we reload a save, this body resumes its basic pose (arms crossed) instead of the ragdoll of when we threw it, with all the bugs that go with it (merging with decorative objects among others). I hope I was clear enough on this one.
- When we throw one body on another, they merge instead of being on top of each other.
- When aiming with the iconic "Prototype Shingen Mk.5" weapon, the Arasaka headband on the right of the weapon is only half displayed.
- It happens to come across traffic lights floating in the air with nothing to fix them to the ground or to something else.
- When it rains and you reload a save, it often happens that the rain disappears and there is full sun instead, the rain not being recharged.
- In the underground memorial of the Arasaka Tower, there are names displayed on glass walls in a room behind an entry code door. Some of the lists of names are poorly framed on the walls and therefore not fully displayed.
- Lots of bloodstains appear white and not red on NPCs.
- When using the rare self-guided F-GX fragmentation grenade, a small luminous meteor remains where it chose its target to rush at it.
- At the location of the Quadra Type-66 "Javelina" that can be purchased, at the Protein Farm, there is a church. If we face this church and go towards the ruined building directly to the right of the church, the one with a sofa containing a note inside and we walk a little along the left exterior wall of back and forth, there is a car wreck that keeps appearing and disappearing, always a different one from the last.
- Fix the description of the grenades in the "Manufacturing" tab, displays for all an explosion radius of zero and a self-guidance.
- Fix the visual glitches on the preview image of certain weapons in their information window, we see the sides of the square serving as "canvas" for the sprites. Ex .: The "Lizzie" or "Chaos" pistol.
- Fix the visual glitches on the preview image of certain objects on their miniatures in the inventory, we see the sides of the square serving as "canvas" for the sprites. Ex .: Certain clothes.
- Fix the visual glitches on the preview image of many cybernetic improvements in their information window, we see the sides of the square serving as "canvas" for the sprite.
- In French (maybe in general), set the size of the font explaining the radius of the explosion of grenades in the radial menu of weapons, it is (much) too large and exceeds the frame.
- The information window for a legendary cyber console is not displayed at some merchants. (I can't say which one suddenly)
- Fixed the description of the weapons placed in the armory of V's apartment, when closing the armory and coming back to it later or after loading a save, all weapon stats show zero.
- When you change a weapon in the "Inventory" menu, the old one remains displayed on the character preview, you must change the menu or close it to display the correct one.
- The correct number of grenades are not displayed directly after multiple dismantling, you have to change or close the menu to change it.
- In the crafting window, the DPS of a weapon changes randomly when you switch from one weapon to another or when you click on it several times.
- The stats are not all correct in the "Statistics" windows, in particular what is relative to the critics.
- If the "Terror" module is applied to the iconic "Cottonmouth" weapon, the weapon information window is no longer displayed. In addition, it also happens that the information window is displayed in duplicate on top of the other, one shifted by half downwards while both flashing very quickly.
- Since I acquired and equipped the iconic weapon "Disunity is strength", there is a visual conflict with the iconic weapon "Prototype Shingen Mk.5" whose information window is not displayed not (as well as those of the other weapons in the inventory), or is displayed in duplicate one on top of the other, one shifted by half downwards while both flashing very quickly. This happens once and then the information window of the Shingen Mk.5 disappears until you change / close the inventory screen to start over when you come back and so on. This also happens when we compare it with another weapon, in this case this bug applies to the information windows of both weapons.
- There is the same kind of conflict with the iconic weapon "Chaos", although more rare. I haven't really figured out how it happens.
- It happens that in the craft window, when you click on the iconic weapon "Disunity is strength" epic version, it is a preview of V in 3D centered on the belly and the arms holding the weapon that is displays instead of the weapon itself. Also, when V. is displayed, the weapon does not appear to be properly held by the arms. (Rather rare bug)
- It happens that in the crafting window, when you click on the weapon "DS-1 Pulsar" rare version, it is displayed vertically on the preview. (Rather rare bug)
- In the crafting window, the iconic pistols are displayed with part of the viewfinder in the preview if you have put one on them and have them on you.
D) World:
- Impossibility to take certain objects because they are bugged for different reasons.
- NPCs holding food stalls can sometimes pass through their stalls while moving forward.
- Give a correct physics to the flying drones so that when they are shot down, they bounce off objects and the ground and that we can loot them (This is only valid for common loots I believe, I have never had problems retrieving higher quality loots).
- I think the price of the manufacturing blueprint for the "Target Analysis" cybernetic module is buggy, it is currently at 78,000 ED, which makes it much more expensive than the majority of other plans, even legendary ones. Other cybernetic module plans are also abused, I have seen one, although legendary and not very useful at ... € 520,000.
- When we hack a camera and zoom in with it and then open the quick hack menu and close it without doing anything, we return to the minimum zoom, even if we don't want to. (Yes it's not much ...).
- For me this should be clearly identified as a bug and not something to review, but the traffic lights SYSTEMATICALLY turn green when approaching them in a vehicle. I see some who are going from orange to red but rather come back to green! It's silly besides not being immersive at all.
E) Combat:
- There are no sounds of impact or breaking glass when tapping with bare hands on glass or tile. It must be the same with melee weapons, I haven't checked.
- Likewise, there is no sound of breaking glass when shooting at a window or pane.
- Again, no sound when pulling a heavy machine gun from a turret.
F) Character:
- When putting a short sleeve top on a light long sleeve top, the sleeves of the light top do not show / disappear. Maybe give the choice between the two possibilities?
- A lot of mods, modules and perks do not work or do not show up in statistics, possibly both.
- The "Battery" modules (any) do not work with gorilla arms. This displays an effect at {stat} 0% in the information window. No effect on the maximum load either.
G) Craft:
- There is a big problem with crafting. Currently, the crafting system is too permissive and allows you to practice cheating with the game. Let me explain with a simple example: crafting an epic anti-personnel grenade GASH laser costs 1 common element and a uncommon but if you dismantle it, you gets three rare each and one / three epics, which makes it possible to make very high component stocks for not much investment. Likewise, by crafting basic "cracker" or "penetrator" mods, we obtains in part mods of superior quality (until rare), which also makes it possible to make large stocks. Finally, it allows to chain the manufacture of expensive weapons to resale and to make very large profits while increasing one's "manufacturing" skill. If we also add the "Ex-Nihilo" perk which gives a 20% chance of creating an item for free, that only helps the process even more. So right now the whole crafting system is in my opinion completely out of balance.
H) Vehicles:
- In the Quadra Type-66 "Javelina", the speedometer figures are no longer displayed correctly on the steering wheel when passing 100 km / h.
2) Things to review or improve:
A) Missions:
((WARNING: Possible spoilers))
- I take this example in particular because it illustrates quite well what I mean. In the "Lighting Breaks" mission, when speaking with Panam in the car, there is a dialogue choice that requires 12 in Technical attribute. It's nice because that's what I had so I take it. One or two lines later, same, a new choice of dialogue requiring 12 of Technical attribute. What is the use of this necessity? None because we showed two lines before we already had 12 in Technique, so it doesn't make sense. Why not instead vary by asking Intelligence instead? Or even more profoundly, not to limit the choices of dialogues requiring a certain level to only the main attributes but also sometimes to its level of competence in a derivative of the main attribute. (In the case of Technique, Engineering for example). I think it would make the game deeper but I'm aware that at this point it might be too much work for the studio to revisit this.
B) Immersion:
- Often, scripted NPCs stay in one place, saying the same thing throughout the game. Same thing for crime scenes, the police stay there forever. Ex .: In V's high-rise apartment building, on the ground floor of the building, two policemen are talking at a stall about a cyber-psycho EVERY time you pass them, even six months apart, between the prologue and the actual start of the game, it is illogical and there are many like that. Also, a lot of the crime scenes and arrest scenes should maybe appear and disappear randomly in different places in NC instead of staying permanently, again this would add immersion. In the same way, they should be random events appearing and disappearing in different places of NC for short periods, always for the immersion. I would add that this also affects scenes involving civilians.
- Make the reflective surfaces or at least the mirrors display the characters in constant ways and all over NC. Ex .: In the toilets, there are mirrors but they are frosted and do not reflect ANYTHING.
- Slightly review the physics of objects, it happens (often) that by opening a crate, all the objects around are sent waltzing around. It is not very immersive in addition to grilling its cover in infiltration.
- Too many identical characters in the same places. More variety would be welcome.
- Give some / most / all NPCs a routine, even a simple one.
- Add more content for television shows, we quickly went around.
- Really too empty in some neighborhoods, adding traffic and pedestrians.
- Review / improve the management and behavior of road traffic.
- Appearance of damage on vehicles faster and having an influence on driving.
- Better management of road accident situations.
- Add more generic objects to collect, believing that NC is only polluted by packs of cards, vinyls or even ashtrays.
- Add more books to read, they are too often the same everywhere. It is not disturbing in itself and it is normal to find several copies of the same writing in the world, it just gives the impression that there are few. Ex .: In "DXHR" and "DXMD" they were (practically) all unique.
- Add a turnover of pages / articles / sites on the internet when we look at the computers, we have the impression that they are always identical throughout the game. Ex .: Once again, in both "Deus" Ex ", they were all unique.
- Add the buttons normally present in a real internet browser to facilitate the consultation of the game intenet present on the accessible computers. Ex .: Buttons to return to the last page viewed, go back or go back to the root of the site. For the moment we can only go back to the main menu and redo all the navigation.
- More blood / gore should be present, at least as an option.
- Make sure that the NPCs do not overreact when we hit them with a dodge, this happens too often and especially when we do not do it on purpose. Maybe change the way to dodge by assigning it to a key or at least have the option as an option.
- Too bad, but we can not scan the corpses already present on site, no doubt because they are decorative objects. We can loot them, but no more.
- There is no animation when we throw a body in the trunk of a car, suddenly it is in our arms, just after it is in the trunk.
- White and green rarity grenades do not provide crafting parts when dismantled, unlike a lot of food. It is not very consistent.
- The food weighs nothing, so you quickly find yourself in the situation of being a hypermarket on legs.
- All foods may not have the same effectiveness and the same price for more immersion. This would lead to seek the best and the most efficient.
- Same with alcohols, not all could have the same effect and the same price for more immersion. This would lead to seek the best and the most efficient.
- Add stimulants, drugs, etc ... Is it a dark and cyberpunk world or not?
- Add boutiques related to the look, such as hairdressers, tattoo artists or cyberware vendors related to fashion. For example, we could buy optical colors that were not present during the character creation or a gold coating or other for his arms / legs / face.
- Have the opportunity to sell craft parts. We can already buy some so why not the opposite? (From personal experience, I find myself with a lot of unused craft parts, the same for piracy parts which are used very little in the end).
- There are never any objects to recover in the trunk of the vehicles when they are opened. What good is this functionality then?
- The behavior of the police that appears out of nowhere is COMPLETELY to review.
- The traffic does not really respect the highway code, in particular the traffic lights, which it constantly passes red.
C) Visual:
- The game is really beautiful, even on my 2 and a half year old PC, but it often happens that certain textures are downright disgusting.
D) Combat:
- Add keys to change the type of grenade and consumable on the fly without having to go through the radial menu. Perhaps by preselecting 3 of them and a key each scrolling them one after the other. Useful / doable especially on keyboard I think.
- Have the possibility to change the way you want to sheath your weapon, by pressing a key for example. Doing the double Alt quickly can get annoying in the long run, especially since if you miss it it goes to the next weapon instead.
- Maybe change / review the way the guns are equipped. For the moment it's three weapons plus his fists. Maybe it would be better to make three guns plus a melee weapon plus his fists. (I Find this one is difficult to found the perfect way to manage his weapons)
E) Difficulty:
- (This is quite personal) The game should be (really) harder on the higher difficulty levels. I play in maximum difficulty and the game is too easy due, among other things, to the very large presence of "Max-Doc" Mk3, I constantly have more than 200 in my inventory. Maybe we should limit the maximum number that we can carry or add a recharge time between two shots?
- (This is quite personal) I think the enemies should partly adapt to your level, whether it is the level of health, damage inflicted, giving higher quality weapons or armor to enemies, attack patterns used , the addition of a number of "superior" type enemies such as heavy combat robots, etc. I say it again, it happens quite quickly that the game becomes really too easy even in extra difficulty. Maybe give the player the opportunity to activate this sort of thing in the options. (Ex .: I shaved an Arasaka complex in 10 minutes with my only fists while being level 18 and without being particularly gifted in the associated skills, only 7 in constitution, 4 in Brawl and no perks in it).
- More difficulty in obtaining Epic Quality Weapons, Armor, Quick Hacks. I got mine too early in the game, right in the middle of Act 1.
- Display magazine size in the description window of firearms.
- Explain how to increase the level of mastery of the various skills of V.
- Display to which cybernetic equipment / modification the different modules correspond in their information window.
- Add an icon or an overprinted text on the clothes that you already have in the shops, so as not to buy the same twice by mistake if you don't want to.
- Add a way to have a preview of the clothes you are going to buy.
- Display the name of the shops on the markers in the map screen in order to remember who is what and where. Especially valid for clothing merchants and Charcudocs.
- Review / change the way item gain is displayed on the HUD. It happened to me, after several very large gun-fights, to pick up a lot of various objects and the result was that for approximately 10 minutes, I had the icons of the objects picked up which were displayed one by one at the bottom left of my screen. It's not really immersive, plus bothering.
- Display the number of mod slots on the icons of the weapons and clothes stored in the hideout of V's apartment so that they don't have to be transferred to see or if they have been forgotten.
G) Character / Stats:
- No way to know if bonuses are cumulative. Ex .: Is it useful to equip yourself with two “On stage!” Clothing modules?
- There are only one or two specific skills for smart weapons and none for sniper rifles, even though they get bonuses from basic skills. I take as an example the avalanche of additional bonuses concerning technical weapons if one chooses to invest in "Engineering".
- I think that the percentages of perks, mods and modules as well as weapons and armor should be revised more or less drastically downwards (perhaps depending on the level of difficulty chosen) because currently, they are really very high and we too quickly becomes a real war machine. For example, by the middle of Act 1 I was walking around with over a thousand in armor, epic quality weapons averaging seven hundred DPS (and over a thousand with melee weapons without having invests a single skill point in affiliate trees ...) as well as very high personal critical stats, all on maximum difficulty. To find a little pleasure in gun-fights, I had to completely cut the aiming aid as well as the firing reticle ...
Walking around Night-City, even in version 1.06, is a real happiness, the city is so immersive and the history fascinating. That's why I allow myself, at my level, to write down what in my opinion, and others, is currently spoiling the gaming experience and to make this list which will not, at worst, that help the development team. To help them make this adventure what it should have been. This can only make it better.
I am certain that developers need to be fully aware of a lot of what is written here, and that the fan community has no doubt largely thought of a lot of the stuff in this document. See it as a sort of compendium of things to improve, and don't hesitate to add your own discoveries and expectations for this game which, I feel, can still mark its generation despite its difficult start.
I also want to thank everyone who worked on this game, the developers, the creatives, the writers and everyone else for their fantastic work, even at this stage. Honestly, I don't really care where the biggest problems came from and so, again, obviously and unfortunately there is still a lot to do but personally you have my full support and I'm sure from here as long as it takes, we will finally have our epic adventure in Night-City.
PS.: Sorry, there may be grammar or syntax errors but being French speaking and although fluent in English, I preferred to use translation software.
1) Bugs:
A) Missions:
((WARNING: Possible spoilers))
- Jackie's pistol does not disappear and remains in his hand when he puts the Relic back in the car before dying (we stick a pistol in the temple?
- If you save and reload the save next to the Delamain in which Jackie dies, the corpse is thrown from the car.
- When Takemura calls you for the first time to meet in the restaurant, we see in the background the white head which must serve as a "canvas".
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, when you register at the reception of the "Clouds", you don't see V's connection cable when he / she plugs into the console. If we disconnect without paying and when we reconnect to pay, among other things.
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, when you put your weapons in the security locker, they are always displayed on the main HUD as well as on the character preview in the equipment window.
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, when you explore Evelyn's cabin eleven before going to see the doll you have chosen, part of the end of the conversation is not coherent because V asks her for info on this cabin and what happened there when we already know.
- In the "Automatic Love" mission, even having seen the exact reconstruction of the scene where Evelyn is hacked into her cabin thanks to the police hologram projector, we continue afterwards to talk about an assault by a client with the different NPCs in the following threads while we know the truth. This is illogical and we should perhaps review the choices of possible dialogues.
- When Delamain sends you the message to tell you about his research on his AI cores for defective cars, when you choose the answer related to a virus, the answer is displayed before the question.
- There are dialogues bugs that overlap when looking at and analyzing Evelyn's DS in "Disasterpiece".
- In "Contract: The risks of the trade", there is a computer upstairs in the room where the injured Mox is located on which there are duplicate messages and files without names. (Actually it happens in a LOT of missions and situations).
- In "Gimme Danger", inside the building of Arasaka containing the parade floats, there are guards who are IN objects of the decoration like crates, etc ...
- In the contract "Cyberpsycho spotted: Charcu at a discount", the psycho's life bar remains displayed at the top of the screen even after the end of the mission. For my part, I had him alive, I don't know if it does when you kill him.
- In "Life during wartime", when we shoot down the flying security drone that guards the crash of the navi, its reactors remain on, it feels weird and not too immersive.
- In "Life during wartime", if we take the body of the pilot of the navi after having killed him and we put it back, it bugs, even if you do it several times. In addition, his weapon falls through the floor of the navi, even after several tries.
- In "Life during wartime", after having taken the motorcycles, Panam literally crosses the hills and the reliefs of the ground when one rolls in the desert, instead of following the ground.
- In "Life during wartime", after picking up Helman, when we call Takemura, his face does not appear in the telephone frame.
- In "Contract: Monster Hunt", there is a television which is very badly placed in the room on the 3rd floor.
B) Visual:
- Fix the visual glitches of the holographic sights, we see the sides of the transparent paralepiped serving as a "canvas" in 3D. Ex .: The A-Vantage.
- NPCs' mouths do not move when they speak.
- Difficulty / Impossibility of taking objects if they are next to an NPC because it is the option to speak to him that is systematically put forward.
- Objects held in hand by NPCs split and float in the air.
- The text sometimes goes out of the frame when you are on the home page of the internet on a computer.
- When exiting menus to return to the game, often incorrectly displays that we have won craft components for no reason.
- When throwing another body into a container, the first are not visible, the container is empty when it should contain the first bodies.
- Since v.1.6, it happens regularly that when you take an object, its description window appears after one or two times without reason when you look at a corpse.
- It happens to come across playing guitarists ... without guitar.
- Bug with the merchant icon on the mini-map when entering their store.
- There is a horizontal blue bar which is part of the sight by default which moves around the center of the screen when aiming with the "M-179E Achilles" while having added a sight, whatever the type of this one. (Lately I've had the same with gorilla fists / arms).
- It happens that when we take a body and throw it, if we reload a save, this body resumes its basic pose (arms crossed) instead of the ragdoll of when we threw it, with all the bugs that go with it (merging with decorative objects among others). I hope I was clear enough on this one.
- When we throw one body on another, they merge instead of being on top of each other.
- When aiming with the iconic "Prototype Shingen Mk.5" weapon, the Arasaka headband on the right of the weapon is only half displayed.
- It happens to come across traffic lights floating in the air with nothing to fix them to the ground or to something else.
- When it rains and you reload a save, it often happens that the rain disappears and there is full sun instead, the rain not being recharged.
- In the underground memorial of the Arasaka Tower, there are names displayed on glass walls in a room behind an entry code door. Some of the lists of names are poorly framed on the walls and therefore not fully displayed.
- Lots of bloodstains appear white and not red on NPCs.
- When using the rare self-guided F-GX fragmentation grenade, a small luminous meteor remains where it chose its target to rush at it.
- At the location of the Quadra Type-66 "Javelina" that can be purchased, at the Protein Farm, there is a church. If we face this church and go towards the ruined building directly to the right of the church, the one with a sofa containing a note inside and we walk a little along the left exterior wall of back and forth, there is a car wreck that keeps appearing and disappearing, always a different one from the last.
- Fix the description of the grenades in the "Manufacturing" tab, displays for all an explosion radius of zero and a self-guidance.
- Fix the visual glitches on the preview image of certain weapons in their information window, we see the sides of the square serving as "canvas" for the sprites. Ex .: The "Lizzie" or "Chaos" pistol.
- Fix the visual glitches on the preview image of certain objects on their miniatures in the inventory, we see the sides of the square serving as "canvas" for the sprites. Ex .: Certain clothes.
- Fix the visual glitches on the preview image of many cybernetic improvements in their information window, we see the sides of the square serving as "canvas" for the sprite.
- In French (maybe in general), set the size of the font explaining the radius of the explosion of grenades in the radial menu of weapons, it is (much) too large and exceeds the frame.
- The information window for a legendary cyber console is not displayed at some merchants. (I can't say which one suddenly)
- Fixed the description of the weapons placed in the armory of V's apartment, when closing the armory and coming back to it later or after loading a save, all weapon stats show zero.
- When you change a weapon in the "Inventory" menu, the old one remains displayed on the character preview, you must change the menu or close it to display the correct one.
- The correct number of grenades are not displayed directly after multiple dismantling, you have to change or close the menu to change it.
- In the crafting window, the DPS of a weapon changes randomly when you switch from one weapon to another or when you click on it several times.
- The stats are not all correct in the "Statistics" windows, in particular what is relative to the critics.
- If the "Terror" module is applied to the iconic "Cottonmouth" weapon, the weapon information window is no longer displayed. In addition, it also happens that the information window is displayed in duplicate on top of the other, one shifted by half downwards while both flashing very quickly.
- Since I acquired and equipped the iconic weapon "Disunity is strength", there is a visual conflict with the iconic weapon "Prototype Shingen Mk.5" whose information window is not displayed not (as well as those of the other weapons in the inventory), or is displayed in duplicate one on top of the other, one shifted by half downwards while both flashing very quickly. This happens once and then the information window of the Shingen Mk.5 disappears until you change / close the inventory screen to start over when you come back and so on. This also happens when we compare it with another weapon, in this case this bug applies to the information windows of both weapons.
- There is the same kind of conflict with the iconic weapon "Chaos", although more rare. I haven't really figured out how it happens.
- It happens that in the craft window, when you click on the iconic weapon "Disunity is strength" epic version, it is a preview of V in 3D centered on the belly and the arms holding the weapon that is displays instead of the weapon itself. Also, when V. is displayed, the weapon does not appear to be properly held by the arms. (Rather rare bug)
- It happens that in the crafting window, when you click on the weapon "DS-1 Pulsar" rare version, it is displayed vertically on the preview. (Rather rare bug)
- In the crafting window, the iconic pistols are displayed with part of the viewfinder in the preview if you have put one on them and have them on you.
D) World:
- Impossibility to take certain objects because they are bugged for different reasons.
- NPCs holding food stalls can sometimes pass through their stalls while moving forward.
- Give a correct physics to the flying drones so that when they are shot down, they bounce off objects and the ground and that we can loot them (This is only valid for common loots I believe, I have never had problems retrieving higher quality loots).
- I think the price of the manufacturing blueprint for the "Target Analysis" cybernetic module is buggy, it is currently at 78,000 ED, which makes it much more expensive than the majority of other plans, even legendary ones. Other cybernetic module plans are also abused, I have seen one, although legendary and not very useful at ... € 520,000.
- When we hack a camera and zoom in with it and then open the quick hack menu and close it without doing anything, we return to the minimum zoom, even if we don't want to. (Yes it's not much ...).
- For me this should be clearly identified as a bug and not something to review, but the traffic lights SYSTEMATICALLY turn green when approaching them in a vehicle. I see some who are going from orange to red but rather come back to green! It's silly besides not being immersive at all.
E) Combat:
- There are no sounds of impact or breaking glass when tapping with bare hands on glass or tile. It must be the same with melee weapons, I haven't checked.
- Likewise, there is no sound of breaking glass when shooting at a window or pane.
- Again, no sound when pulling a heavy machine gun from a turret.
F) Character:
- When putting a short sleeve top on a light long sleeve top, the sleeves of the light top do not show / disappear. Maybe give the choice between the two possibilities?
- A lot of mods, modules and perks do not work or do not show up in statistics, possibly both.
- The "Battery" modules (any) do not work with gorilla arms. This displays an effect at {stat} 0% in the information window. No effect on the maximum load either.
G) Craft:
- There is a big problem with crafting. Currently, the crafting system is too permissive and allows you to practice cheating with the game. Let me explain with a simple example: crafting an epic anti-personnel grenade GASH laser costs 1 common element and a uncommon but if you dismantle it, you gets three rare each and one / three epics, which makes it possible to make very high component stocks for not much investment. Likewise, by crafting basic "cracker" or "penetrator" mods, we obtains in part mods of superior quality (until rare), which also makes it possible to make large stocks. Finally, it allows to chain the manufacture of expensive weapons to resale and to make very large profits while increasing one's "manufacturing" skill. If we also add the "Ex-Nihilo" perk which gives a 20% chance of creating an item for free, that only helps the process even more. So right now the whole crafting system is in my opinion completely out of balance.
H) Vehicles:
- In the Quadra Type-66 "Javelina", the speedometer figures are no longer displayed correctly on the steering wheel when passing 100 km / h.
2) Things to review or improve:
A) Missions:
((WARNING: Possible spoilers))
- I take this example in particular because it illustrates quite well what I mean. In the "Lighting Breaks" mission, when speaking with Panam in the car, there is a dialogue choice that requires 12 in Technical attribute. It's nice because that's what I had so I take it. One or two lines later, same, a new choice of dialogue requiring 12 of Technical attribute. What is the use of this necessity? None because we showed two lines before we already had 12 in Technique, so it doesn't make sense. Why not instead vary by asking Intelligence instead? Or even more profoundly, not to limit the choices of dialogues requiring a certain level to only the main attributes but also sometimes to its level of competence in a derivative of the main attribute. (In the case of Technique, Engineering for example). I think it would make the game deeper but I'm aware that at this point it might be too much work for the studio to revisit this.
B) Immersion:
- Often, scripted NPCs stay in one place, saying the same thing throughout the game. Same thing for crime scenes, the police stay there forever. Ex .: In V's high-rise apartment building, on the ground floor of the building, two policemen are talking at a stall about a cyber-psycho EVERY time you pass them, even six months apart, between the prologue and the actual start of the game, it is illogical and there are many like that. Also, a lot of the crime scenes and arrest scenes should maybe appear and disappear randomly in different places in NC instead of staying permanently, again this would add immersion. In the same way, they should be random events appearing and disappearing in different places of NC for short periods, always for the immersion. I would add that this also affects scenes involving civilians.
- Make the reflective surfaces or at least the mirrors display the characters in constant ways and all over NC. Ex .: In the toilets, there are mirrors but they are frosted and do not reflect ANYTHING.
- Slightly review the physics of objects, it happens (often) that by opening a crate, all the objects around are sent waltzing around. It is not very immersive in addition to grilling its cover in infiltration.
- Too many identical characters in the same places. More variety would be welcome.
- Give some / most / all NPCs a routine, even a simple one.
- Add more content for television shows, we quickly went around.
- Really too empty in some neighborhoods, adding traffic and pedestrians.
- Review / improve the management and behavior of road traffic.
- Appearance of damage on vehicles faster and having an influence on driving.
- Better management of road accident situations.
- Add more generic objects to collect, believing that NC is only polluted by packs of cards, vinyls or even ashtrays.
- Add more books to read, they are too often the same everywhere. It is not disturbing in itself and it is normal to find several copies of the same writing in the world, it just gives the impression that there are few. Ex .: In "DXHR" and "DXMD" they were (practically) all unique.
- Add a turnover of pages / articles / sites on the internet when we look at the computers, we have the impression that they are always identical throughout the game. Ex .: Once again, in both "Deus" Ex ", they were all unique.
- Add the buttons normally present in a real internet browser to facilitate the consultation of the game intenet present on the accessible computers. Ex .: Buttons to return to the last page viewed, go back or go back to the root of the site. For the moment we can only go back to the main menu and redo all the navigation.
- More blood / gore should be present, at least as an option.
- Make sure that the NPCs do not overreact when we hit them with a dodge, this happens too often and especially when we do not do it on purpose. Maybe change the way to dodge by assigning it to a key or at least have the option as an option.
- Too bad, but we can not scan the corpses already present on site, no doubt because they are decorative objects. We can loot them, but no more.
- There is no animation when we throw a body in the trunk of a car, suddenly it is in our arms, just after it is in the trunk.
- White and green rarity grenades do not provide crafting parts when dismantled, unlike a lot of food. It is not very consistent.
- The food weighs nothing, so you quickly find yourself in the situation of being a hypermarket on legs.
- All foods may not have the same effectiveness and the same price for more immersion. This would lead to seek the best and the most efficient.
- Same with alcohols, not all could have the same effect and the same price for more immersion. This would lead to seek the best and the most efficient.
- Add stimulants, drugs, etc ... Is it a dark and cyberpunk world or not?
- Add boutiques related to the look, such as hairdressers, tattoo artists or cyberware vendors related to fashion. For example, we could buy optical colors that were not present during the character creation or a gold coating or other for his arms / legs / face.
- Have the opportunity to sell craft parts. We can already buy some so why not the opposite? (From personal experience, I find myself with a lot of unused craft parts, the same for piracy parts which are used very little in the end).
- There are never any objects to recover in the trunk of the vehicles when they are opened. What good is this functionality then?
- The behavior of the police that appears out of nowhere is COMPLETELY to review.
- The traffic does not really respect the highway code, in particular the traffic lights, which it constantly passes red.
C) Visual:
- The game is really beautiful, even on my 2 and a half year old PC, but it often happens that certain textures are downright disgusting.
D) Combat:
- Add keys to change the type of grenade and consumable on the fly without having to go through the radial menu. Perhaps by preselecting 3 of them and a key each scrolling them one after the other. Useful / doable especially on keyboard I think.
- Have the possibility to change the way you want to sheath your weapon, by pressing a key for example. Doing the double Alt quickly can get annoying in the long run, especially since if you miss it it goes to the next weapon instead.
- Maybe change / review the way the guns are equipped. For the moment it's three weapons plus his fists. Maybe it would be better to make three guns plus a melee weapon plus his fists. (I Find this one is difficult to found the perfect way to manage his weapons)
E) Difficulty:
- (This is quite personal) The game should be (really) harder on the higher difficulty levels. I play in maximum difficulty and the game is too easy due, among other things, to the very large presence of "Max-Doc" Mk3, I constantly have more than 200 in my inventory. Maybe we should limit the maximum number that we can carry or add a recharge time between two shots?
- (This is quite personal) I think the enemies should partly adapt to your level, whether it is the level of health, damage inflicted, giving higher quality weapons or armor to enemies, attack patterns used , the addition of a number of "superior" type enemies such as heavy combat robots, etc. I say it again, it happens quite quickly that the game becomes really too easy even in extra difficulty. Maybe give the player the opportunity to activate this sort of thing in the options. (Ex .: I shaved an Arasaka complex in 10 minutes with my only fists while being level 18 and without being particularly gifted in the associated skills, only 7 in constitution, 4 in Brawl and no perks in it).
- More difficulty in obtaining Epic Quality Weapons, Armor, Quick Hacks. I got mine too early in the game, right in the middle of Act 1.
- Display magazine size in the description window of firearms.
- Explain how to increase the level of mastery of the various skills of V.
- Display to which cybernetic equipment / modification the different modules correspond in their information window.
- Add an icon or an overprinted text on the clothes that you already have in the shops, so as not to buy the same twice by mistake if you don't want to.
- Add a way to have a preview of the clothes you are going to buy.
- Display the name of the shops on the markers in the map screen in order to remember who is what and where. Especially valid for clothing merchants and Charcudocs.
- Review / change the way item gain is displayed on the HUD. It happened to me, after several very large gun-fights, to pick up a lot of various objects and the result was that for approximately 10 minutes, I had the icons of the objects picked up which were displayed one by one at the bottom left of my screen. It's not really immersive, plus bothering.
- Display the number of mod slots on the icons of the weapons and clothes stored in the hideout of V's apartment so that they don't have to be transferred to see or if they have been forgotten.
G) Character / Stats:
- No way to know if bonuses are cumulative. Ex .: Is it useful to equip yourself with two “On stage!” Clothing modules?
- There are only one or two specific skills for smart weapons and none for sniper rifles, even though they get bonuses from basic skills. I take as an example the avalanche of additional bonuses concerning technical weapons if one chooses to invest in "Engineering".
- I think that the percentages of perks, mods and modules as well as weapons and armor should be revised more or less drastically downwards (perhaps depending on the level of difficulty chosen) because currently, they are really very high and we too quickly becomes a real war machine. For example, by the middle of Act 1 I was walking around with over a thousand in armor, epic quality weapons averaging seven hundred DPS (and over a thousand with melee weapons without having invests a single skill point in affiliate trees ...) as well as very high personal critical stats, all on maximum difficulty. To find a little pleasure in gun-fights, I had to completely cut the aiming aid as well as the firing reticle ...
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