Improvements in animations/faster game play


Do you feel that the current gwent matches are slow ?

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Recently I posted a question on "ask a Dev" forum, concerning the slow gameplay. I feel that this is an issue that impacts the whole community.
So I would like to ask you this, Pillar of the (remaining) community, how do you feel about it ?

I will provide a link to the reddit thread where this issue is/has been discussed in more detail.
Feel free to add any suggestions.
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Round end animations are extremely drawn out for no sensible reason, turns should auto end if a player has played a card and they have no orderable units... those two things would considerably cut down on pointless idle time. card drawing and round transitions could use a speed up as well.
Round end animations are extremely drawn out for no sensible reason, turns should auto end if a player has played a card and they have no orderable units... those two things would considerably cut down on pointless idle time. card drawing and round transitions could use a speed up as well.
Yes, the card draw is very slow, as is the card discard at the end of a round. The discard might have been mentioned but I thought it deserved a second mention :)
Round end animations are extremely drawn out for no sensible reason, turns should auto end if a player has played a card and they have no orderable units... those two things would considerably cut down on pointless idle time. card drawing and round transitions could use a speed up as well.

The other thing that can happen here is an upset player for whatever reason can just do everything they want with their turn but leave the full length just to be a jerk.

Also people can forget to end their turn. I've done that a couple times or hit space to end my turn too early and it didn't register. Perhaps if a player has no possible moves, leader or order and have played a card it should just cut down remaining time in their turn to 5 seconds just for those cases.
To prevent players from abusing the turn, devs could average out the time counter. I.e when during round 1, a player has used 50% of the red bar to take his turn, the next turn he will have (50%+100%)/2=75% of the time linked to the red bar. On the third turn he would have (75%+50%)/2=62.5% of the original red bar.

This will make player appreciate the time they have, and play more reasonable during the turns that would require no thinking, in order to save time for more important decision making later on in the game.

Alternatively devs could add a game mode where each turn takes 15-30 sec. Splitting the community this way might create another issue, however i dont think that the impact will be that big, since the player base will probably be widened with the console release. Casual players will in general appreciate this game mode. Nobody has 2 hours these days to finish 18 rounds of gwent, that just insane.
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