In need of suggestions

In need of suggestions

Hey there!

Like the title says I need some suggestion regarding an effective but somewhat cheap deck for ranked.
I took a peek at the top decks on GwentDB but while I was browsing the decks and their contents I realized that every single one needs a bunch of key legendary cards I don't have and can't afford to craft atm. It's dissappointing really.
I opened a bunch of kegs but most of the cards I get are useless atm meaning they are not used in any good decks.
The closest deck I can get is Monsters Consume but I don't know how it fares in the current meta and even for that deck I miss key cards like Grave Had and Kayran. On top of that I see that players use Dagon or Ge'els as leaders but I only have Eredin.

What should I do?
People still use Ge'els? idk.
It would be easier for us with suggestions if you posted your epic/legendary cards list, to be honest. Or you can pm.
Play what you enjoy and think is strong. You could build nearly any deck in the game with only a few weeks of playing. The open beta reset is on the horizon, so this is the time to try everything out.
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