Inconsistent handling of Loyal and Disloyal units (Nilfgaard)


Guest 3945410

Inconsistent handling of Loyal and Disloyal units (Nilfgaard)

Fringilla can be played as both Loyal and Disloyal.
  • Rainfarn plays Disloyal units. He can play Fringilla.
  • Joachim plays Loyal units. He can't play Fringilla.
Joachim's description should state Play the top Loyal-only Bronze or Silver Unit in your Deck and Boost it by 10.

Alternatively, Joachim should be able to play Fringilla (or Rainfarn shouldn't be able to).
Hmm... Joachim's description used to say 'loyal-only'. Wonder why it was changed.

Agreed with this suggestion.
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