Insane RAM Costs at Low Level

Any of you chooms know why RAM costs for Quickhacks can vary from encounter to encounter? At low levels, in say Kabuki for instance, I'll Breech a group of gangbangers which will give me RAM costs of like 1 or 2 but I go to the next group, Breech them and RAM costs are like 17! Anyone know why this is?
If they're higher than you it increases the cost, I'm assuming based on the difference in levels between you and the target.
Costs will go up if there is a difficult mob in the group, like a red-skull; targeting only grunts and the costs drop quite a bit. There is a "food" in the game which can boosts total ram for a little bit.
Any of you chooms know why RAM costs for Quickhacks can vary from encounter to encounter? At low levels, in say Kabuki for instance, I'll Breech a group of gangbangers which will give me RAM costs of like 1 or 2 but I go to the next group, Breech them and RAM costs are like 17! Anyone know why this is?

Those are higher level enemies that you probably wouldn't want to hack because it wouldn't do too much damage anyways.
Different gang members also have different resistances that includes hacks. And watch out, sometimes you'll catch a skull in the middle of a group of normal/moderate enemies

Also, I think some hacks have cooldowns that raise their cost unless you wait their cooldown
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