Inside FAQ?

Inside FAQ?

Maybe all the other players may judge as useless this feature, but i started to play today and after the first match i've noticed i've gained some ore. At first i thought i could use it to craft some card, then i thought it was an in-game currency to buy kegs, but nothing. So, maybe adding a pages to explain all the icon we have on the screen (also some personal stats such as my level, how many exp do i still need to go on, how many wins, lossess etc...) would be appreciated.

Apart from this i whink it's a really good game :)
Scraps help you craft cards. It takes 30 scraps to craft a commone card. 80 scraps to craft rare cards. 200 scraps to craft epic cards. And 800 scraps to craft legendary cards. You get scraps from milling (destroying cards you have or earn), from winning games, or from receiving "good game" from opponents.

Ore helps you buy kegs. You need 100 ore to buy 1 keg. Each keg has five new cards with at least one being better than a common card. You get ore from winning games or recieivng "good game" points from opponents. When you level up you will get ore bonuses. The first time you level up in a day you will get 100 ore. The second time you will get 75 ore. The third time 50 ore.

I hope this helps.

If people don't follow the tutorial where all of those things are explained then I doubt they'd read it in a FAQ.
I suppose they could put some hover text over the scrap/ore buttons?
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