Interviews and Articles Part 2

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There is nothing else to do, if we decide not to show anything, it is not because it is a taboo, but simply because we do not need the story we want to tell.

Probably the best line from the article. I know some people were upset about the Baba Yaga change, and thought it was done for censorship reasons, but I really doubt that and I really do 100% believe in what she's saying there that CDPR would have a number of other reasons they might do something like that, and not for anything silly like censorship. They've never been afraid to show boobs before (No matter how ugly), and I wouldn't think they would start now, definitely struck me as an artistic/stylistic change.

Still, I would have thought by now I'd be used to Journalists asking the same questions over & over... But it still somehow shocks me every time. We're just a mere ~3 months from launch, and bloody interviewers are asking the same generic questions that were asked almost TWO years ago. It's just crazy... Unless they're told they can't ask anything super specific or something... Still makes me sad every time.
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Goddamn, dude, this thread is for posting links to interviews and articles, not discussing them.

I'd say it's for both.

While it's great to have a neat thread just for articles, not being able to discuss them would severely undermine its value to your average forumite and even the devs.
Yep, discussing the articles is perfectly fine. When it goes into an in-depth discussion about game content, going beyond what was said in the article in question, is when you should take it to PMs or a thread on that particular subject.
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In polish forums we have 2 threads, one for posting links, and other one about discussing about those links. It is much better :D
Interview with Karolina Kuzia, Quest Designer, for Italian IGN.

It's Karolina ;D

She is so pretty, I think she shoul be an npc in the game ;)
I didn't mind the read, at first I was into DAI. Then I saw TW3 and could give 2 shits about DAI, now I'm into both of them and I want to explore their worlds and see if the combat feels fun. I was joking with my gf the other day and said that very headline lol.. DAI might not be no W3, but it is a cool looking RPG that I am now going to buy and play. It looks kinda fun and it might be something worth getting into this winter while I wait for TW3 to come out. I pretend it will be the FABLE game that FABLE could never be back in the day, so fuck it, I'ma get high and give it a try in 3 days.
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I don't think it has anything to do with the quality of either game, it's merely the fact that the Writer clearly has no idea about The Witcher as a series.

Yes, I'm sure The Witcher 3's open world will offer lots of freedom, exploration and be both larger and more enjoyable than DA:I, but if this "freedom-before-story" crowd is looking for the next big RPG, they're probably going to be disappointed with The Witcher 3 when it ends up being heavily focused on the Story because that's always been the most important element to The Witcher.

I'd say apart from The Witcher 3's world being larger, most likely DA:I will offer just as much freedom in its world comparatively. Both games are heavily focused on Story and they aren't open world for the purpose of being a sandbox (Like Just Cause or TES), but they're open world to facilitate the Story and create an immersive, expansive, contextually realistic world.
A game like Just Cause 2, where you can do absolutely batshit insane stuff in the Sandbox, strikes me as the kind of game this supposed "freedom-before-story" crowd would more-so be interested in, not the heavily story driven experiences set in an open world like DA:I or The Witcher 3.
God what a terrible article, not only its click-bait but also it doesn't even grasp that the fundamental element of the witcher franchise is the story.

Oh and of course: "The only way to make that total freedom possible is to make the story and main character practically non-existent." close-mindedness and fake "facts" had to appear naturally.

While i agree with everything you said. I have to say that this is basically the reason i want DA:I. Im expecting it to be a good suppressant for W3.
Anyway its kinda funny to me that back when i wasz waiting for skyrim I had considered W2 its suppressant .
While i agree with everything you said. I have to say that this is basically the reason i want DA:I. Im expecting it to be a good suppressant for W3.
Anyway its kinda funny to me that back when i wasz waiting for skyrim I had considered W2 its suppressant .

Hehe I get you, however he could've used another title that was less loaded honestly, even when its totally okay that DAI is your distraction until TW3 arrives :p
Hopefully the answers to the questions in that big QnA thread. Though It's doug so probably a trailer. He could always do voice over for a QnA video ;)
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I suspect the time is coming where they would be preparing lots of footage that's going to get shown over the next 3 months... TV ads, Trailers, whatever... I could be very wrong, but perhaps that might be it.

Or the only other option I can think of is they're showing something off at "The Game Awards"... I'm pretty sure WB is slated to be a part of it, and TW3 is being supported by WB in the US, so that would also make sense.

All right. At this point my take on interviews is that not only interviewers ask the same generic questions all the time(this particular interview was not too bad actually) but it's also the developers repeating the same stuff over and over and over and over again. Like they had a PR script version 1.01 that PR department forgot to update since...I don't know..E3 2013 at least.

Seriously. LEAD GAME PROGRAMMER had nothing interesting to say about the game from development perspective and his own experience with developing the game.

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