Intro Deck Guide - Northern Realms

Thankfully, @Easha has written a set of comprehensive guides about our intro decks and how to improve pre-constructed decks - we are extremely happy that we can share them here with you. Please make sure to also read the general overview in addition to the specific guides.


My name is Easha Dustfeather, member of the Lodge of Sorceresses and co-author of the Glittering Girly Gwent Gaming blog. As author of the starter deck guides I already explained how to play the free starter decks provided to every player. With the addition of pre-constructed intro decks for sale in Shupe’s shop, I decided to write a guide for them as well, just like I did for the Syndicate starter pack deck.
It is meant for players who just started the game and decided to buy those intro decks. This guide explains how to improve and use them.

Notable changes to the list (original deck here)
Many bronze cards were replaced by more expensive gold cards from the starter deck as many of them support the boost archetype.

Playing the improved intro deck
The whole deck is focused on boosting your units. As this usually needs either some setup or is done by cards that boost over time, the deck favours long rounds.

Cards with the Inspired keyword like Black Rayla or Anna Strenger gain additional benefits as long as they are boosted, others like Tridam Infantry gain more value when they are being boosted. While it is tempting to put every boost available on the Temerian Infantry to get the extra damage, you should not do this. Geralt of Rivia is a starter deck card, so almost every opponent you will encounter early one has this card in their deck. If you focus all your boosts on Tridam Infantry, your opponent will kill it with Geralt and you lose a huge amount of points.
Another reason why you should spread your boosts are Vissegerd and Lyrian Scytheman, who get stronger the more boosted units you have on your side of the board. Reynard Odo helps you with this, so play him early to use his ongoing effect. You can also place every unit you play to the right of Temerian Drummer to spread your boosts. Nenneke and Prince Stennis which can boost several can help you with setting up your boosted units as well. Once you set up your board with many boosted units, finish the round with Vissegerd and/or Scytheman and your opponent will have a hard time catching up when each of them will get more than ten points. Vissegerd should be played in the Melee Row, so you opponent cannot counter its effect. The extra point you get from its Inspired effect is usually not worth the risk of getting disrupted – Dorregaray of Vole is a starter deck card as well.

Swarming with Immortal Cavalry
Immortal Cavalry is a great target for Voymir. You already get two copies of the same card upon Deploy and can get even more from Reinforcements and Queen Adalia. Once Voymir boosted all your copies of Immortal Cavalry, cards like Vissegerd and Lyrian Scytheman can benefit from this. Try to get your hands on Caravan Vanguard. They may not have a Shield, but their Bonded ability can get you 9 points if you already control a copy of them. It also boosts themselves, so even if you do not draw Voymir they empower the effects of Vissegerd and Scytheman.
However, do not limit the use of Reinforcements and Adalia to Immortal Cavalry. Do the math – sometimes another Scytheman at the end of a long round can grant you even more points.

Other cards
Your Stratagem Engineering Solution should be used on engine cards (cards that generate value over time and should be played early in a round for this reason). Not only do Black Rayla and Anna Strenger benefit from being boosted - your opponent will also want to remove them to deny you points and the Shield offers some protection.
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