Invigorate is so terrible that...



Forum veteran
... CDPR's own employees are given huge bonus, paid vacation and a promise of promotion to play it to give 0.00ish % to it on the charts.

... the entire design/balance team is too embarrassed to even discuss/think about it and when someone accidentally brings up the topic, they all get panic attack.

... CDPR has a strict regulation to use "The one which can not be named" for Invigorate to protect the employee's health.

... CDPR had to do "There is no war in Ba Sing Se" kind of psychological brainwash about Invigorate to the balance/design team.

... when Training Bot was going to be given new abilities one brilliant guy shouted "Lets do invigorate as only a bot will play it willingly" and got promoted.

... even this thread (or any thread) can't save it.
... that it became even unusable for the Aglaïs and Sheldon Handbuff Decks after the Master Mirror Expansion.

... that I expected it getting buffed/reworked directly after I finally finished it's 100 Wins Contract almost a bloody year ago.
… devs in order to keep up the appearences, of Invigorate being playable, either paid someone or play Invigorate in lower ranks (26-30) 8% of the time since publishing of the statistics.
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