Is the continuous music loop that usually happens in Skellige going to be fixed anytime soon?

Is the continuous music loop that usually happens in Skellige going to be fixed anytime soon?

A very common and really annoying bug that's been plaguing me and undoubtedly many others for a while now, seems to happen after you either complete a certain quest or just completely random... the same music file in Skellige just keeps looping over and over again, you go into the gwent menu or you're fighting monsters, yet the music doesn't change. The only way to temporary fix this is that you have to keep fast travelling to Velen or White Orchard, and then back to Skellige. Another common bug is that the music disappears entirely from the game.

It's really annoying because everytime you exit the game, reload a save or if you die, the music gets stuck and it keeps looping the same soundtrack over and over again. It's really annoying, and I've read a post somewhere that you can only get rid of this by completing the Isle of Mist quest, which is still a long way away from me.

I really appreciate that we're being showered with free DLC every week but please focus on fixing the many bugs still present in the game.
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