isometric camera issue

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(He marched straight down the line of paladins, eyes focused directly ahead, stride strong. The ranks stood smartly at attention, armor silver, shileds like mirrors, blades alight with blessed radiance. He stopped near the center of the formation, and faced the warriors.)

We have rarely faced a battle like this before. A necro of 8 years. Nearly a decade's worth of undead stirring from their graves. There will be little we can do but hold the line. But we will hold.

To that end, I shall sanctify access to the relics we carry. We shall use the Holy Hand Grenades. And may all that is impure be lost in the light!

(A chorus of cheers and rattled weapons sounds down the line. As the men ready themselves, one raises his hand in question, a slight grin peeking out at the corners of his mouth.)

Oh -- for god's sake Tollins -- if you even attempt a crack about soiling your armor, I'll intentionally make you count all the way to 5 before throwing yours. Now, move out!

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