Jackie Welles - Night City's Golden Boy ❤

So he has what? A groinal attachment?

Well it is a dark game. People will die. They make you love him, then quicky pull him away. Welcome to Night City!

I think his death is avoidable, though. I cant imagine that being leaked, and Jackie has merch.

If its possible I will be keeping him around.
"Then she turns, reaches out for the data suitcase, but sees that it, too, has been savaged by gunfire;
it's wrecked. Two friends down in as many minutes. She quietly wishes Alt good luck.
"Spider, now!" But at least Johnny will be avenged, Spider thinks..."
Cyberpunk Red, The Fall of the Towers, November 2020, p. 124.

Spider's outreach:
Dum Dum & V shared computer chip of Spider bot MTOD12, Spider Murphy's new data suitcase.
The still empty data slug she downloaded from Alt copies Jackie & Spider builds Johnny illusion.
You know what they say,if you're gonna go hunting bears you better find someone who is bigger and slower than you.
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